Wednesday, May 18, 2016


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AstrolDeluxe Chart Interpretation for Unnamed Chart

Courtesy of: Salvatore Pranzo, 718/641-8317

This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software's AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.
These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the "right" choices.
Here are the parts which make up your chart:
HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.
SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to "color" planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.
ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.
A "Strength" number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.
You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report's sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.

Planets in Signs

Sun in Sagittarius
(Keynote: I ASPIRE)
You are self-reliant, ambitious, optimistic and friendly.  You may also be sarcastic, self-indulgent, impatient and tactless.   Others may see you as irresponsible, and a capricious flirt.  The truth is you are acutely aware of human values and enjoy improving potential.  You relate well to children, animals and the environment, and find them all fascinating.  You avoid commitment, which you feel restricts your freedom to expand.  Your bluntness often disguises a compassionate heart, deserving of rewards for your generous contributions to our planet.

Moon in Gemini
(The Vigorous)
You can live by your wits and talk your way in and/or out of a situation quickly.  You assume whatever image is expected, to your advantage, but can be tempted to deceive others.  These qualities fit you to be a versatile actor or in some profession that requires lively debate, i.e. an attorney, or a politician.  You are as good with your hands as your mind, but lack the perseverance to tackle a job that requires stick-to-itiveness.  If you sight a goal and channel your remarkable mental abilities, you can employ the discipline necessary to accomplish it in record time.

Mercury in Scorpio
(The Detective)
You are a master at exposing secrets, but allow others to know only what you wish to disclose.  In solving problems, you have no peer.  Your stubborn determination will not let you rest until you are satisfied with results you personally approve.  You speak forcefully, and sometimes sarcastically, not always to your credit.  You may explore the occult or mind control.  Only the highly evolved realize that such power is a privilege, not a given, and use it wisely.

Venus in Sagittarius
(The Escape-artist)
Your interests are so varied that it is hard for you to be content with "one" of anything.  You love to travel, so may have two places you call "home."  You need challenge and are easily bored, so can hold two jobs at the same time.  You are capable of loving more than one person, also, and will devise excuses to delay a commitment.  If you do settle down, your partner must accept your continued need for freedom and your sometimes-careless handling of money!

Mars in Gemini
(The Lecturer)
You are a powerful speaker, able to influence others and sway them to your views.  As a teacher, you convince students to do things "your way," though you may change your methods as often as you change your mind.  If you scatter your energies, you can fail to complete what you have started and accomplish nothing.  Learn early to think before you speak and hone your ability to concentrate.  Otherwise, your knowledge may appear superficial and your ideas not worth exploring.

Jupiter in Pisces
(The Benevolent)
No sacrifice is too great for you to make to help someone in need.  But, you are extremely impressionable, and must be careful not to absorb and experience the ills of others as your own.  Whether you receive the same compassion you give is immaterial.  You serve cheerfully and derive your greatest satisfaction from seeing the positive results of your efforts.

Saturn in Gemini
(The Vassal)
Responsibilities of loved ones can limit your outstanding ability to express yourself.  You may adopt a life of fantasy to escape becoming hard or bitter.  Many writers epitomize your frustrations: Beatrix Potter, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Bronte Sisters among them.  They were visionaries who overcame "self" to share a corner of their indomitable spirits.  Your lack of freedom is far less meaningful than the opportunity for self-discipline you will learn to value.

Uranus in Scorpio
(The Indomitable)
You are certain to achieve your goals, if willpower is the deciding issue.  But, choose a proper path or your destructive qualities will turn on you with catastrophic results.  Exercise caution when handling electricity or mechanical devices.  You have amazing recuperative powers, but can't depend on them if you insist on challenging disaster. Your passionate nature instills instant confidence.  No one can doubt that you will complete anything you begin.

Neptune in Virgo
(The Caretaker)
You are unique in your approach to remedying the world's ills on a personal level.  You offer your healing gifts to children and animals or the flora and fauna vital to our survival.  You may serve a humane crusade in a mundane job, and receive little credit, other than the satisfaction of participation.  You are highly critical of those who will not "put their money where their mouth is," and believe in doing what you can to make life easier for other human beings.

Pluto in Cancer
(The Resentful)
Your family life is in constant flux.  Some of it seems without purpose and can cause you to feel a loss of the love you cherish.  Strong feelings may indicate that you are in some personal way responsible for the estrangement you sense, whether it is evident to others or not.  It is important to find someone older to talk to, particularly in your formative years, who may placate your fears and start you on the road to self-reliance, which is the answer to your problems.

North Node in Aries
(The Uncertain)
You project confidence, but are plagued with doubt that you can produce all that you promise.  You dislike calling others for assistance because it means exposing your soft underbelly.  When you learn you have many supporters waiting to follow your lead, you may discover that "your own person" is the "you" you wanted to be all along.

Planets in Aspect
Moon opposite Venus  (Strength:  6.85)
(The Mirage)
You believe in pleasures of the moment, but must be careful that you can pay your debts "tomorrow."  You feel that you can have your own way just by being "you," not from conceit, but that in some way you have a special birthright and the world owes you a living.  Much of what you fantasize may come about because of your positive attitude of expectation, but be prepared for those times when only the sweat of your brow will produce the results you desire.

Sun opposite Mars  (Strength:  5.69)
(The Appraiser)
You must not only know who you are and what you want, but should examine the values of others to bring your life into balance.  You need support, but seem to attract those with opposite views and will often find challenges to your ego.  Seriously consider whether your beliefs are worth fighting for, for you see differences as personal affronts.  Defend only what is really important to you.  "All roads lead to Rome", and you may travel more than one to get there.

Jupiter square Saturn  (Strength:  5.44)
(The Wary)
You are much like the old song that complains: "You have a feeling that you wanna go -- then, you wanna stay -- but you gotta go!"  You have an urge to expand or break away from restrictions, but may be overly careful -- as if you never feel you have what it takes to succeed, so are a perpetual student instead of a graduate in the school of life.  You may set modest goals, unworthy of your higher potential.  Faith in yourself will prepare you for the success you can achieve.

Mercury trine Jupiter  (Strength:  5.10)
(The Assertive)
You have big plans which you like to discuss with others.  You exchange ideas and receive the support of your friends. Once clear in your goals, you'll have no trouble convincing others that you know what you're talking about and should be given a chance to prove yourself.  You are an excellent salesperson or counselor. In either case, you have the attention of others who respect your opinion and enjoy from you a positive output which contributes to your success.

Jupiter opposite Neptune  (Strength:  4.42)
(The Wastrel)
It is difficult for you to see "the trees for the forest" sometimes, because of your inclination to put a mask on reality.  You mean well, but are extremely idealistic and can become lost in generalities, since you seldom "fine tune" the picture.  Despite your abstractions, you are intuitive and may take risks that pay off.  If you cannot be sure your plans are practical, take the advice of someone with more experience to keep you grounded, with a realistic chance at success.

Saturn square Neptune  (Strength:  3.86)
(The Troubled)
You take yourself seriously and often compound your problems by assuming sole blame.  You may be pessimistically blind in your outlook and cry "Why me?" instead of opening your eyes to practical and available answers.  Learn to appreciate what you have, beginning with yourself.  Try to use selflessness in helping others, or counsel with someone to raise your self-esteem to the place where you are not easily overwhelmed, and count your blessings on a day-to-day basis.

Mercury trine Pluto  (Strength:  3.14)
(The Novice)
You view yourself as a perpetual student of life, an apprentice who has much to learn, so will attract those who can increase your knowledge. Your interest may include studies of self-enlightenment, such as psychology, psychotherapy or metaphysical sciences.  You will concentrate on that to which you feel drawn or "called," and at which you prove most adept.  Eventually, you may share your knowledge, but only when you feel worthy of the universal degree of "Master."

Sun opposite Moon  (Strength:  2.73)
(The Tug O'War)
You feel that others do not understand you and constantly oppose your ideas or goals.  Close relationships suffer if you vent anger or resentment.  At times, you may feel pulled in two directions.  If your life is one of endless indecision and emotional turmoil, you must recognize that the conflict is within you.  Rely on inner feelings to validate your actions. In times of stress you will find what "works for you" and use your enormous energy in a positive manner.

Mercury inconjunct Saturn  (Strength:  2.67)
(The Gloomy)
WHERE is your sense of humor?  If there is a "down-side" to any given circumstance, you are sure to spot it.  "Turning a frown upside down to find the smile" may seem childish, but can be necessary to get along with those who run from your dour approach.  You may research reasons for your pessimism, but would do better not to worry "why" as much as to discover the positive reasons to enjoy life that are ready to greet you each day, the moment you open your eyes and start counting.

Sun conjunct Venus  (Strength:  2.58)
(The Socialite)
You are refined and cultured with a love of the arts and beautiful things.  Because a day without fun is depressing, you make yourself attractive and available and are usually where something entertaining is going on.  You can become self-indulgent and conceited, believing money and looks will take you farther than is reasonable, but when you see that "Pretty is as Pretty does," will try to develop inner qualities to complement the glamorous image you project.

Jupiter trine Pluto  (Strength:  2.24)
(The Activator)
You are consumed with a yearning for self-improvement, but must ask yourself why you are so driven.  You can inspire others as a "mover and a shaker" whose motivation is justified in the success you achieve, but it may not be enough.  Expand your efforts to include those who lack your zeal or courage to act on what they devoutly believe.  In helping others, you constantly renew yourself, your ambitions and the confidence that you can continue to grow by going the "extra mile."

Mercury sextile Neptune  (Strength:  1.53)
(The Insightful)
Inner perception works to your advantage when negotiating with those who are usually difficult to fathom.  You "feel" more than "comprehend," so can often satisfy the needs of others that are overlooked by those who deal strictly with reality.  If you successfully balance your understanding of spiritual and material values, you can share your knowledge with others and encourage them to develop their potential on a higher level than many would consider practical.

Moon conjunct Mars  (Strength:  1.42)
(The Tempest)
You may hold angry feelings beyond the time you should and suddenly explode with the force of a hurricane.  Those closest to you will receive the brunt of your fury, since the cause of your displeasure is usually very personal and you will not display it in public.  Inner disquiet may be exchanged for productive energy in physical work.  If controlled, real strength may evolve from the same ego energy you tend to exhibit in a subjectively-negative manner.

Uranus square Pluto  (Strength:  0.53)
(The Run-away)
You are affected strongly by your environment, are opinionated, and if maladjusted, may liberate yourself from restrictions at an early age.  You find it difficult to adjust to changes that you do not originate.  The problem is that you may jump from a frying pan into a fire if you are not mature enough to have a real understanding of evolvement.  You identify with your peers.  Like the "flower children" of the `60's, you can embrace anarchism rather than transformation.

Jupiter conjunct North Node  (Strength:  0.41)
(The Jovial)
You make an indelible imprint upon your friends with your optimism, generosity and compassionate nature.  Your love of a good time and tendency to be immoderate can emphasize the negative side of your character.  You may gamble impulsively instead of taking a calculated risk or fail to listen to good advice because of your pride or vanity.  Even then, you will attract those who are drawn to the warmth of your disposition and the kind intent that motivates your good works.

Venus opposite Mars  (Strength:  0.27)
(The Indiscriminate)
Your relationships are sometimes short-lived because you are impulsively drawn to superficial qualities of beauty which are not of lasting value.  You are highly physical and may express yourself in sports activities or arts which require the energetic or militant exercise employed in modern dance or Jujitsu.  Learn to balance basic urges so that you do not make undue demands on partners or activate selfish traits that neither can tolerate and will eventually destroy your union.

Moon inconjunct Uranus  (Strength:  0.12)
(The Inconsistent)
You may be considered a "show off" or just do things to get attention, and be disruptive, rather than amusing. Rather than follow a proven path, you often opt for a creative way "around duties."  You can contribute innovative ideas but are not good at following through, as you change your mind constantly about your own inventions.  Withhold your theories until you are schooled in fundamentals.  Otherwise, instead of being successful, you will finish as a "wanna-be."

Balance of Elements and Modalities
Abundant Water
In your case, the heart rules the head.  Your emotional drives are strong and you act primarily on the basis of your feelings.  Whether your feelings are purely personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal is up to you, but generally you are a life-oriented person who feels keenly and who acts to support your family, friends, and community.  You are happiest when you are in a caring relationship with a significant other.  That person should be comfortable with the emotional closeness that you bring to relationships, while providing the structure or inspiration that you need.  Some of your friends will not be as comfortable with emotional closeness as you are, and you will have to respect their boundaries.  You have probably learned over the years how to keep your sensitive nature from being hurt.  Don't permanently withdraw, but find the people with whom and the environment in which you can be yourself.
Because of your sensitivity, you easily pick up others' thoughts and feelings.  You can anticipate others' needs before they have expressed them.  You can usually rely on your intuition when it comes to forecasting the outcome of personal and career decisions.  If you decide to use your psychic abilities for healing, learn to let go of the negative feelings that you process from others.  Since you are so sensitive, find quiet moments for private introspection in which you can reconnect with what you feel instead of what others feel.  You also find it revitalizing to be around large bodies of water.
You do have a need to stop and think things through before acting.  Make the effort to communicate with others who may have a more objective viewpoint or who could see solutions that elude you.  You can sometimes be criticized for acting from a purely personal perspective, which you could avoid by learning and respecting society's larger viewpoint.  You can be very creative in finding paths to your personal goals.  Keep the larger viewpoint in mind and later you will not have to try to rationalize to others why you chose those paths.

Abundant Air
You seem to live for mental exploration.  Discovering and communicating the connections between ideas, people, and places is your function in life.  Your active mind is good at identifying new frontiers whose basics you quickly master, so that you end up knowing something about almost everything.  You have a dispassionate nature that cooly considers the pros and cons of a situation, able to place logic above personal emotion.  From your mental viewpoint, emotions look irrational.  You make a good negotiator, sales person, communicator, arbitrator, analyst, and information processor.  Ideas flow quickly for you.  While impersonal and dispassionate, you nonetheless thrive on communication and social interaction.  At your best, you strive to understand and accept people, not to change them.  Courageously, you adhere to principles.  You appreciate culture, structure, and systems.
Your greatest strength is also your weakness, namely too much coolness from placing head above heart.  Leaders must be able to follow their hearts without being indecisive or equivocating.  And you ignore your real connection to others if you use your mental gifts to coldly manipulate them.  Try to avoid isolation by functioning as part of a team in which your logic, analysis, and communication skills are put to good use.  Work with others who may be more practical, sensitive, or passionate than are you. Don't keep your good ideas inside, but write them down and communicate them to others.

Copyright 1997 Halloran Software.  All rights reserved.

Lack of Earth
You may be so focused on the "bigger picture" that you have difficulty managing the many details of life.  Balancing your checkbook or leaving your bedroom clean may seem beyond your abilities.  Other tasks may be important, but you find it hard to concentrate long enough to complete them.  Knowing your own lack of concentration and self-discipline, you may cling to established routines because you know that you are able to do important things through force of habit.  If you do not flit from job to job, you could hold onto a job or a relationship for too long because you do not trust that you will be secure without it.  Your lack of real world perspective may make it hard for you to distinguish that which really matters from that which is unimportant, so that you sometimes focus on small things while leaving the really big things undone.  You may say that you care about money, but unless you have abundant planets in the houses of Substance, you will not execute a detailed plan to get it.  If you can avoid driving them crazy, enlist the help of those more grounded than yourself in order to turn your inspirations into reality.
A lack of planets in Earth signs can be offset by an Earth sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Substance.

Abundant Mutable
With an abundance of planets in Mutable signs, you adapt easily to changing circumstances.  Mentally quick, you adapt like a chameleon to give each what they want, until you are on to the next friend or interest.  Life offers a succession of roles to play.  Skilled at diplomacy and compromise, you make a good negotiator and appear to be everyone's friend.  You actually are other-oriented, rather than self-oriented, and can be so busy meeting others' needs that you lack direction in your own life.  Concentrate on finding friends of true worth and value.  Be discriminating in your associations, in whom you choose to help.  The endless flow from your mind, tongue, and hands will then work to return real value to you, which is what you deserve.  You can probably only follow this advice just so far, though, because more than others the Universe sends you people in need, people for whom you are able to make a real difference.  The assistance that you provide to the powerless may actually be remembered long after your facile mental output is forgotten.  Your activities can also bring an end to institutions that have outlived their usefulness.

Lack of Cardinal
With a lack of planets in Cardinal signs, you may have trouble starting things.  You may be timid about developing and carrying out plans.  You would prefer to let others break the first ground of a new venture, so that you can pitch in and help once the outlines of the venture are clear.  You probably lack confidence in your mastery of the real world and survival in it.  You may substitute a rich inner life for your lack of action in the outer world.  In its highest form, you may be unusually creative or spiritually committed.  Ideas filter up as you focus on 'being' instead of 'doing'.  Watch out for the lower manifestations, which are delegating tasks to others and pitying yourself over the lot that befalls you in life as a result of your lack of direction and initiative.  Your different perspective on life gives you valuable insights that let you make real contributions wherever you are.
A lack of planets in the Cardinal signs can be offset by a Cardinal sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Angular houses.

Lack of Fixed
With a lack of planets in Fixed signs, you probably find it difficult to settle down or concentrate on one thing for a long time.  You tend to be all over the place.  The advantage is that you are able to do many things at once and can move forward with change and growth when desirable.  You are a free spirit, not overly weighed down by attachments.  You may be daring, brave, and filled with ideas, but you need individuals in your life who can provide the structure and stability that you lack.  If necessary, you can force yourself to finish projects through mental discipline and willpower.
A lack of planets in the Fixed signs can be offset by a Fixed sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Succedent houses.

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