Tuesday, May 31, 2016


“The Working Psychic’s
Secret Methods”


“Merlin” -  Master of the Tarot.

Copyright ©  `The House of Merlin` 2003.  No part of this material may be copied or stored in any retrieval system, either mechanical or electronic without the consent of the Copyright Holder.

The Working Psychic’s Secret Methods

Being able to give a first class cold or psychological reading is one of the working psychic’s most useful attributes.   One has to be able to distinguish between the two types of readings although both types of reading tend to overlap when one is giving any kind of reading.

The Cold Reading has been defined as taking a very broad general reading and watching your subject carefully and pumping information out of your subject in the course of the reading.    In this case you are actually doing more listening and feeding back the information so gleaned than actually telling the subject new information.

The impression given to the subject is that you have told them everything, but what has really happened is that you have asked more questions than you have answered.   However, the truth is the subject is left with the impression that you are a truly great Psychic with a wonderful gift and that the `sitter` has said nothing during the whole reading.

The Psychological Reading is generally distinguished as being a reading that is very broad, very general, not specific at all but something that applies to most people.   This type of reading has been used very much in past years.   From a personal standpoint I find that an amalgamation of both types of reading can be combined together most successfully.

One can always start off with some very broad statements, as in the psychological reading and then by using methods described later, feeding back information to the subject that they have asked you.  Some of this information you will have obtained secretly and some of the information you will have asked for directly.   However, in the course of the reading the fact that you have asked for the information is very soon forgotten.   What is remembered for a long time is the fact that YOU gave them the information!

If you have aspirations to be known as a Psychic you will find the uses of being able to give a reading very useful.   Many individuals who are interested in the occult will often ask you to give them a reading, “tell my fortune”, “Read my cards” “Tell me about my future”, etc.   What you have to remember is that people are more interested in themselves than in anything or anyone else.  They would rather you tell them something about their grandmother, for instance, her maiden name, than anything else that you can think of.   People are vain.  They want to hear about themselves and
what’s more important, they want to hear something good about themselves.

Here is something important.  Some people think that to use magical principles or fraudulent methods to help one give a successful psychic reading is wrong!!    From a personal standpoint, I want it understood that I have no psychic powers of any kind BUT, I have given thousands of excellent psychic readings all over the country and have been invited to lecture on the subject in many other lands!    If I can satisfy the individual with the quality of my reading for which he/she has paid, then I have done what I set out to do – irrespective of the methods used.   From my point of view, morality does not come into it because very often giving a good and positive psychic reading to a person who is feeling `down`, can very often give them the emotional lift they need and in that way, do a lot of good.  I have known a number of `Shuteye` Readers, those who are alleged to be genuine, give atrocious readings of the type that could and often does undermine the subject’s emotions for a long time.  To me, this is outrageous!   If one wishes to be a Psychic Reader, then one has to have a certain moral view of the business and that includes being positive in the content of your readings so that the subject leaves you feeling better and more optimistic than when they first approached you.   If you feel that is wrong – then you are heading for the wrong business!  After all, being a good psychic reader can provide you with an excellent income for life – once you have come to understand the principles involved.  All of which will be known to you by the time your have read the whole of this book.

If by chance, you are not interested in following this subject as a career, either part or full time, you may be interested in learning to do psychic readings on demand as a form of entertainment, then once again, you will learn all there is to learn by the time you come to the end of this book.   By being able to do a two or three minute private reading when requested will cause you to be remembered long after others in the circle have been forgotten.

How to Give a Reading

People who come to you for a reading will be interested in as I have already said, themselves, and basically in only three or four other subjects; Love or Romance, Health, Money, and Children.   And again, their children will be interested in Love or Romance, Health, Money, and Children.

You will discover that by closely scrutinising and observing those people who come to you for a reading will reveal a great lot of information, even before they open their mouths.   By observing someone’s hands, you will be able to tell if the person is engaged in manual labour or whether they lead a more comfortable life.   An Accountant’s hands will look very different from a Farm Labourer.

Their clothes and appearance should also reveal a host of new clues.  It is always a good idea to learn to evaluate the cost of clothing and the better-known clothing manufacturers so that by looking at someone, you will be able to evaluate their work – simply from the clothing that they are wearing.

Jewellery worn by the subject can also help in this and it is good to remember that often the subject will have forgotten that he/she is wearing a particular piece of jewellery.  I remember meeting a young woman on one occasion  and when I called her by her given name, she was astounded – yet – she was wearing her name around her neck for all to see.  She had forgotten that she had it on!  So don’t ever overlook the obvious.

You may notice that some men wear items of jewellery revealing that they belong to the `Freemasons` or may even be wearing a lapel badge showing membership or past membership of a particular part of the armed forces or even the  RAOB, the `Buffaloes` to you and me, or some other organisation.   I have met individuals wearing the lapel badge of a certain Spiritualist organisation who were really full of themselves, yet in reality they were about as psychic as me!  Nothing! Zilch! Nowt!

Some people may be wearing their birthstone, for example a green stone for May, and a fair amount of astrological knowledge can help you no end in determining the individual’s birth month and possibly their birth-date.   In the above instance, you would also be able to determine that your subject was either a Taurus or Gemini.  A little subtle questioning later will allow you to discover which.

Normally, when an individual comes to you for a reading, they believe in your ability to answer their questions and help them with their problems.  However a part of them is not too sure and they look to you for some kind of guidance or help – or to prove that you are a fraud!   As you get into this business you will very quickly discover when an individual is putting you on, or is seeking sincere advice.   Be extremely careful of the advice that you give.  Unless you are a lawyer or a doctor do NOT give legal or medical advice.  In our modern world you could very easily be sued if you gave incorrect advice on either of these subjects.   Just be careful!   You can always suggest that the individual seeking this kind of advice goes to either a Counsellor, Doctor, or lawyer. 

People come to psychic readers for all kinds of different reasons, but they all want the same answers!.

Generally speaking, women tend to have Love on their mind more than anything else.   Even if she is happily married she is always interested in the thought of another man in her life; particularly women who have begun to age.   They want to be assured that they are still attractive to the other sex.  Always be reassuring in this context – and if you can `see another man coming into her life`, then you will have made her day – another very successful reading!

One of the main secrets of giving successful readings is to get to know as much as possible about your client before meeting them.   This is not always possible, but let me give you an example.   One evening I was invited to speak at a Ladies Guild Dinner.   After I had finished my talk and was preparing to leave, a lady came up to me and said, “Okay Mister Clever,  tell me my future”.

I looked her straight in the eye and said, “Your are a very artistic and energetic person who gives of her talents freely and generously.  Your husband is also a teacher, but he is leaving that job to start his own business …”   I went on in this vein for a couple of minutes and at the end, she was absolutely astonished and thought that I was the best thing since sliced bread.  How did I do it?   I had never seen  or spoken to the lady in my life! 

The truth is that during the dinner, I was sitting next to the Chairlady of the group and during dinner, I remarked on the table decorations.   She pointed out a lady sitting near the end of the table and said, “Oh yes, Lucy there did all the decorations.  She’s very talented and can always be called on to help us.  She is a school teacher and I don’t know where she finds the time.  Her husband is also a school teacher, but not for much longer as he’s giving it up to go into business for himself.”

I kept my ears open and with my good memory was able to put the information to good use when the right occasion arose.  If your memory is not as good as it should be, write down the snippets of information that you pick up at any gathering as and when you can.  You will quickly discover just how useful these bits of information can be. 

There are many other ways for you to ascertain information about your subject. Why not try  My other two excellent books -  No1. “The Secret Guide To Cold Reading”  and  No2. “The Talking Tarot”.  These two books, taken together will provide you with all the hidden knowledge that you will ever need to become a world-beating Psychic Reader.  You will be able to give first class readings using The Tarot, Crystal Ball, Runestones, Astrology, in fact just about anything that you can think of.   In fact I recall many years ago I was working at a very large Psychic in Bedfordshire.  My table was next to a very posh lady who spoke with plums in her mouth.   Well, I was busy for most of the day, but during one short lull the posh lady spoke to me and exclaimed, “Oh Mister Merlin you are really wonderful!  You read the runes, crystal ball, tarot cards, and palms and everyone that has a reading from you seems very satisfied when they leave you.  Did it take you years of practice to learn all these arts and is there anything else that you can read?”

I was in a bit of a cheery, whimsical mood at this time, so, jokingly, I replied, in a broad Lancashire accent and in an effort to bring this posh lady down a peg or two,  “Well, if you will go outside and bring me in a shovel full of `Dog Doo` I’ll tell you the age, colour and breed of the dog that left it behind.”  Howls of laughter greeted this statement and even the posh lady saw the funny side.   Nonetheless, she would NOT believe me when I told her in confidence, that in truth I was about as psychic as a Toffee Apple!

You will find the information in the manuals actually worth more than £500 to you.  The information will help you to make an absolute fortune in your working life – even if you don’t know your Tarot from your elbow. (Even AFTER you have read them!)

Okay, let’s press on.  You have gathered the necessary information about your client and you are now going to give them a General Reading along these lines.

“At the present time you’re troubled, confused, you don’t know where to turn .   You realise that a decision of some sort is imminent.   I see you, during your life, walking a path, a long lonely path.  The path divides, you don’t know which way to turn”

 At this point watch your client carefully.  They will either nod their head Yes, or shake their head No or say something.   Generally speaking, most people at any given point in their lives have a problem, the more vigorously they nod their head, the greater the problem.  It is necessary during your reading that you make close observations of your client, they will purposely or inadvertently give you many clues to what they are looking for.   It is your job to recognise these clues and give them back what they want.   If you wish to see a master at this business, go to see a Gipsy and pay her the £10 or so for a reading.  The information that you will get will be worth much more than the money that you will be spending.   To proceed with the reading.

“Things are not progressing financially for you at the moment.”  Generally nobody is doing as well financially as they would like to be doing.   If you get the `No` Head shake on this,  you can counter with,
“You are capable of doing much better financially and I see you doing much better in the near future.”  This line will usually go down pretty well and if it does, proceed with,

“I seem to sense that there is some, even though minimal, dissatisfaction with conditions around you.   Although things in your home are very good, they could be better.”  Who could really object to a statement like that?  Things can always be better.

“You always seem to be held back just before you achieve your goal, you don’t feel that you are making progress, the amount of progress, you should be making for the amount of energy expended.  You feel that circumstances around you are unfavourable and you want to throw off this yoke and express your true self.”  Most people tend to be very inhibited and most people tend to be unable to express themselves very well.

At this point put in some of the information that you have learned about the person.  If you do as I do and ask the person to write down a most important question and not let you see it and then through an impression method (which I will teach you later) find out what this question is, you will be in a strong position to feed the information back to your client.   I would start to feed back this information at this time.  Notice that I say `start` to feed the information back.
The reason being that a brief question posed by your client can give you a load of information that you can talk around for quite a while.

Now for some flattery.  No-one objects to flattery.

“Your personal magnetism is quite strong.  This is a big factor in helping you to overcome the adverse obstacles that have put themselves in your path.   You possess the power to fascinate other people with whom you come into contact, yet you yourself are most susceptible to the influence of others and usually, not for your own good.

You are now in a cycle of unsettled conditions which are slowly changing for the better.   However, rather than just wait and see you must settle your mind by some logical and decisive action.  If you listen carefully, you can still be the master of your fate.

I see a figure 81 indicating a relatively long life span.  Longer than most of the people in your family, free from any serious illnesses or disorders, and when you die, you will simply go to sleep and not wake up.”

The Correct Atmosphere for

Doing a Cold Reading

While the cold reading is used for entertainment purposes, it is most successful when done on a `one to one` basis.  If it not possible to get your subject alone at least try to get him/her off in a corner of the room where you will not be disturbed by other members of the group.   You will quickly discover that in a private situation, even the most blatant sceptic will tend to become a believer.  It is in this setting that you are best able to concentrate on your subject, picking up the most verbal and non-verbal clues that your client is giving you.

  It is important to know a little about body language.  The following are indications of the way a subject is responding to you.

If they are sitting with their legs apart in a fairly open sitting position, this generally means that they are open and receptive to you.   If they close up their legs, cross their arm across their chest and generally take an adamant manner on their face, this means that they are closing up.   Leaning forward, or leaning forward with the chin resting on their hand(s) is generally an indication that they are receptive and want to know more.  You will find that the subject will unconsciously nod Yes or No as you have Hits or Misses.   It is necessary during the course of the reading to change your direction and to modify what you say based upon the response that you get from your client.

Having changed or modified your speech, you continue along that particular line until you get a negative response (a shake of the head) and then you proceed in a series of tangents until you hit one after the other of correct (positive) responses.

Your reading is interspersed with a series of general statements becoming more and more specific towards each individual.  Basically, what you are doing is working on a descending pyramid.   Starting off with a very broad generalisation becoming slightly more specific until your subject indicates that you are telling them something that relates specifically to them and them alone.

A great deal of this methodology becomes unconscious on your part once you’ve become practiced in the art.   During the course of the response you will note a certain amount of eye blinking and expressions on the subject’s face.  This is usually indicative of positive responses.   A fixed stare would generally indicate that you are going in the wrong direction and you would need to change tack.  Once more this is generally best handled in a private situation without distractions of any kind.

Let us assume that you are giving a general reading for entertainment purposes only and simply want to give the subject a character reading about him/herself.  I suggest strongly proceeding along positive lines.  Tell your subject what they want to hear.  Project warm glowing statements about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.   Since the hopes, dreams and aspirations are the same for all men, you will find that if you talk about your hopes, dreams and aspirations you will come very close and hit right on the head 85 to 95 percent of the hopes, dreams and aspirations of your subjects.

I will give you a series of statements and break them down for you to explain the psychology behind the reading.   “You are basically a very warm outgoing person with many acquaintances but very few friends.”   ANALYSIS; This  applies to everybody.  Many of us have a broad range of acquaintances but very few we can count on as close personal friends.

“You are not only a good and loyal and true friend but this friendship can quickly turn to anger and make you a bitter enemy when someone has wronged you. ”ANALYSIS:    Once more, this usually applies to most people.  Nobody likes to be made a fool of.  Nobody likes to be wrong.  Everybody likes to think of themselves as a good and loyal friend.

“You are at a climax, a turning point in your life.   Things that you do within this period will influence the rest of your life.  All important decisions that you now make will prove to be turning points in your life.    ANALYSIS: Once more this is true about almost everybody.  Any important decision that you make will definitely affect the rest of your life.

“You find that your emotions can run to heights and depths rather than remaining on an even keel.  It is generally your own emotions that have held you back in life.   At the same time it’s your intellect and your emotions that have carried you forward towards whatever you have achieved.”   ANALYSIS: Once more another generalisation that tends to apply to everybody.

“You worry a great deal usually about things that never come to pass.  You’re extremely tense and anxious.  During these times of tension and anxiety you tend to get headaches usually centred on one side of your head rather than the other.  Occasionally stomach or back trouble.”  ANALYSIS: Tension headaches are very common n our society.  Most people tend to have very varied mood planes rather than remaining on an even keel.  The type of person who is on an even or moderate keel is not the type of person who is coming to you for a reading.

“Going along this line you need to relax more.   Try to get a better overall view of  things, and to put things more in their proper perspective.  Try to delegate more responsibility to others rather than taking as much on yourself as you do.   You tend to be overworked and overburdened and people tend to take advantage of your good nature.”  ANALYSIS:  Everybody feel that they are taken advantage of from time to time in life.   Everybody feels that they are overworked and that others should do more of their jobs.

“You tend to be a procrastinator.  You tend to put off to tomorrow what you should   be doing today.  You find that in many cases, you rush things to get them done and then find that you have to do them again because you are unsatisfied with the results.
ANALYSIS:  Once more this is a very common trait that most of us fall victim to.  We tend to put off unpleasant tasks until the last minute.

“You tend to do things on the spur of the moment particularly when it comes to shopping or buying.   Many times you have made a purchase that you’ve been sorry for, one in the very recent past and you returned the item that you bought.
ANALYSIS: All of us tend to be impulse buyers.  The stores and advertisers rely on this and psychological tests have shown that people walking through a supermarket enter into a state of hypnosis and walk out of the store after having bought things that they never realised they had bought or needed.

“I see someone in your future, possibly already in your life, who is very close to you.  This person is short, heavy set, dark hair, dark eyes, the hair is long and tends to curl up at the bottom.”  ANALYSIS:  Watch this one very carefully.   What I have just described is a person totally opposite to the person I ‘m looking at.   Usually a person of this description will be a very close friend of the person we are working with.   In other words, what we are describing is a person whose description is totally opposite to the person to whom we are giving the reading.  Based on your clients response, you can continue with this either in a positive or negative way. 

“I see a trip coming up in the near future.  Within the next year.”   N.B. Watch very carefully on this one.  If you get a very positive response, you know that you have struck a chord.   If it’s a `No` response at al, then modify bit by being a trip, but not of a long distance and perhaps near to `water`.

“I feel that you are going to receive some unexpected news within the next seven to fourteen days. The news is neither good nor bad, but it is quite unexpected.  I feel that the news will be by telephone rather than by mail, but since it is rather vague, it could come to you by either method.  ANALYSIS: You said nothing.  Everybody receives unexpected news from someone, someplace and what you have just done is set a self-fulfilling prophecy.   They will be looking for unexpected news and when something turns up they will relate to the fact that you predicted it.

“You have a great deal of intuitive psychic ability.  However, you have not developed this properly.  With proper training and work on your part you could turn into quite a talented psychic on your own.”   Once more, everybody feels that they have some kind of psychic ability, because we have all had some sort of inspirational flashes from time to time.

“I see no major illnesses  this year, although there may be some minor ailment within the next sixty days.  Following your doctor’s advice is the best course of action for you.   NOTE: Please beware of giving medical or legal advice unless you are an expert in these fields.  In other words, if you are a lawyer, give legal advice.  If you are a physician you can give medical advice.  Otherwise unless you want to go to jail, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ON THESE TWO SUBJECTS!

A Secret Method of Obtaining

Information from your Client

Let me give you an example of a method that I used quite successfully a fair number of years ago.

The first thing to do is to take out the Blank Card from out of your Rider Waite Deck of Tarot Cards.   Stick some `clear` sticky backed plastic on the face of the blank Tarot card and cut it to size.   Next, you have to purchase a  `Chinagraph Pencil` with which to write on the blank card.  You can rub out the Chinagraph writing on the blank card after seeing each client and the card can be reused many times.   This is the methodology by which I obtain secret information from my client..

The Sitter is seated opposite the Tarot Reader.  The Reader removes the tarot cards from out of an ornately carved box.  He unwraps the silken cloth from around the cards and spreads them face up on the surface separating the two people.  “These are the Tarot” he explains, “The Book of Life.  Each one of these cards has both apparent and occult meaning.  For centuries man has used the Tarot to divine the future and to give him guidance and solutions for his problems.”   Searching through the cards the Reader carefully removes one of the court cards.   “This,” he explains “is the Significator.   It has vibrations that most closely resemble yours.  It will, during this session, represent you.  Again the Reader peruses the deck and removes the blank card.   Removing the Chinagraph Pen from his pocket he hands both the card and the pen to the client.  He says, “Please print the most important question that you would like answered in a few words on this card.  Please do NOT let me see what you have written.   When you have finished writing your target question please turn it face down on the table.  (If you are asked why the need to write, you reply that by writing down a question it allows the mind to concentrate on that subject much better.  This is pure flannel, but it seems to satisfy the sitter.)

When the card has been written and turned face down on the table, the balance of the Tarot Deck is handed to the sitter to shuffle and to cut in the usual way.   The Reader now says, “Now that the cards have been shuffled, will you please cut the cards three times to the left and restack the pack. Will you now place your question card somewhere in the pack, but please do not let me see it.”

   When this has all been done, the Reader says, “You are now in the third cycle of your life approaching the fourth cycle of your life which is a turning point in your life.   Many of the things that you have been working and striving for will start to resolve themselves during this cycle.   However, in order for them to work in your favour direct decisions will have to be made by you.”

As the Reader has been talking he has been laying out a pattern of Tarot  Cards .  As this layout is completed the Reader begins to answer the specific question that was written but never seen by him/her.   After answering the questions he continues with the general reading and concludes the session.

The method is simplicity in itself by covering the Blank Card in the Rider Waite Tarot Deck it gives you a `thick` card that easily be located.  (Try it out yourself and get used to handling the deck with the thick card)  After the thick card has been inserted into the deck you can control this card to the bottom of the deck by any means at your disposal, however, a word of caution, it should appear as if the order of the cards has not been changed.

All that I do is reach out and cut a group of cards off the tabled deck.   The `Pick a Question Card` forms a natural break but be careful not to flash the face as you lift it away from the tabled deck.   This is the most casual movement in the world and there is no need to make a move out of it.  It is also very simple to glance at the question as you deal out the Tarot Layout.   Any remaining cards after you have completed the layout can be replaced on the top of the tabled face down deck.  The remainder is a psychological and then a cold reading based on the information that you have gleaned from the sitter.

All the best in the world to you and may all your readings be perfect. (which they will after a little practice with this special card.)

`Master of the Tarot`

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