Tuesday, May 31, 2016


“The Working Psychic’s
Secret Methods”


“Merlin” -  Master of the Tarot.

Copyright ©  `The House of Merlin` 2003.  No part of this material may be copied or stored in any retrieval system, either mechanical or electronic without the consent of the Copyright Holder.

The Working Psychic’s Secret Methods

Being able to give a first class cold or psychological reading is one of the working psychic’s most useful attributes.   One has to be able to distinguish between the two types of readings although both types of reading tend to overlap when one is giving any kind of reading.

The Cold Reading has been defined as taking a very broad general reading and watching your subject carefully and pumping information out of your subject in the course of the reading.    In this case you are actually doing more listening and feeding back the information so gleaned than actually telling the subject new information.

The impression given to the subject is that you have told them everything, but what has really happened is that you have asked more questions than you have answered.   However, the truth is the subject is left with the impression that you are a truly great Psychic with a wonderful gift and that the `sitter` has said nothing during the whole reading.

The Psychological Reading is generally distinguished as being a reading that is very broad, very general, not specific at all but something that applies to most people.   This type of reading has been used very much in past years.   From a personal standpoint I find that an amalgamation of both types of reading can be combined together most successfully.

One can always start off with some very broad statements, as in the psychological reading and then by using methods described later, feeding back information to the subject that they have asked you.  Some of this information you will have obtained secretly and some of the information you will have asked for directly.   However, in the course of the reading the fact that you have asked for the information is very soon forgotten.   What is remembered for a long time is the fact that YOU gave them the information!

If you have aspirations to be known as a Psychic you will find the uses of being able to give a reading very useful.   Many individuals who are interested in the occult will often ask you to give them a reading, “tell my fortune”, “Read my cards” “Tell me about my future”, etc.   What you have to remember is that people are more interested in themselves than in anything or anyone else.  They would rather you tell them something about their grandmother, for instance, her maiden name, than anything else that you can think of.   People are vain.  They want to hear about themselves and
what’s more important, they want to hear something good about themselves.

Here is something important.  Some people think that to use magical principles or fraudulent methods to help one give a successful psychic reading is wrong!!    From a personal standpoint, I want it understood that I have no psychic powers of any kind BUT, I have given thousands of excellent psychic readings all over the country and have been invited to lecture on the subject in many other lands!    If I can satisfy the individual with the quality of my reading for which he/she has paid, then I have done what I set out to do – irrespective of the methods used.   From my point of view, morality does not come into it because very often giving a good and positive psychic reading to a person who is feeling `down`, can very often give them the emotional lift they need and in that way, do a lot of good.  I have known a number of `Shuteye` Readers, those who are alleged to be genuine, give atrocious readings of the type that could and often does undermine the subject’s emotions for a long time.  To me, this is outrageous!   If one wishes to be a Psychic Reader, then one has to have a certain moral view of the business and that includes being positive in the content of your readings so that the subject leaves you feeling better and more optimistic than when they first approached you.   If you feel that is wrong – then you are heading for the wrong business!  After all, being a good psychic reader can provide you with an excellent income for life – once you have come to understand the principles involved.  All of which will be known to you by the time your have read the whole of this book.

If by chance, you are not interested in following this subject as a career, either part or full time, you may be interested in learning to do psychic readings on demand as a form of entertainment, then once again, you will learn all there is to learn by the time you come to the end of this book.   By being able to do a two or three minute private reading when requested will cause you to be remembered long after others in the circle have been forgotten.

How to Give a Reading

People who come to you for a reading will be interested in as I have already said, themselves, and basically in only three or four other subjects; Love or Romance, Health, Money, and Children.   And again, their children will be interested in Love or Romance, Health, Money, and Children.

You will discover that by closely scrutinising and observing those people who come to you for a reading will reveal a great lot of information, even before they open their mouths.   By observing someone’s hands, you will be able to tell if the person is engaged in manual labour or whether they lead a more comfortable life.   An Accountant’s hands will look very different from a Farm Labourer.

Their clothes and appearance should also reveal a host of new clues.  It is always a good idea to learn to evaluate the cost of clothing and the better-known clothing manufacturers so that by looking at someone, you will be able to evaluate their work – simply from the clothing that they are wearing.

Jewellery worn by the subject can also help in this and it is good to remember that often the subject will have forgotten that he/she is wearing a particular piece of jewellery.  I remember meeting a young woman on one occasion  and when I called her by her given name, she was astounded – yet – she was wearing her name around her neck for all to see.  She had forgotten that she had it on!  So don’t ever overlook the obvious.

You may notice that some men wear items of jewellery revealing that they belong to the `Freemasons` or may even be wearing a lapel badge showing membership or past membership of a particular part of the armed forces or even the  RAOB, the `Buffaloes` to you and me, or some other organisation.   I have met individuals wearing the lapel badge of a certain Spiritualist organisation who were really full of themselves, yet in reality they were about as psychic as me!  Nothing! Zilch! Nowt!

Some people may be wearing their birthstone, for example a green stone for May, and a fair amount of astrological knowledge can help you no end in determining the individual’s birth month and possibly their birth-date.   In the above instance, you would also be able to determine that your subject was either a Taurus or Gemini.  A little subtle questioning later will allow you to discover which.

Normally, when an individual comes to you for a reading, they believe in your ability to answer their questions and help them with their problems.  However a part of them is not too sure and they look to you for some kind of guidance or help – or to prove that you are a fraud!   As you get into this business you will very quickly discover when an individual is putting you on, or is seeking sincere advice.   Be extremely careful of the advice that you give.  Unless you are a lawyer or a doctor do NOT give legal or medical advice.  In our modern world you could very easily be sued if you gave incorrect advice on either of these subjects.   Just be careful!   You can always suggest that the individual seeking this kind of advice goes to either a Counsellor, Doctor, or lawyer. 

People come to psychic readers for all kinds of different reasons, but they all want the same answers!.

Generally speaking, women tend to have Love on their mind more than anything else.   Even if she is happily married she is always interested in the thought of another man in her life; particularly women who have begun to age.   They want to be assured that they are still attractive to the other sex.  Always be reassuring in this context – and if you can `see another man coming into her life`, then you will have made her day – another very successful reading!

One of the main secrets of giving successful readings is to get to know as much as possible about your client before meeting them.   This is not always possible, but let me give you an example.   One evening I was invited to speak at a Ladies Guild Dinner.   After I had finished my talk and was preparing to leave, a lady came up to me and said, “Okay Mister Clever,  tell me my future”.

I looked her straight in the eye and said, “Your are a very artistic and energetic person who gives of her talents freely and generously.  Your husband is also a teacher, but he is leaving that job to start his own business …”   I went on in this vein for a couple of minutes and at the end, she was absolutely astonished and thought that I was the best thing since sliced bread.  How did I do it?   I had never seen  or spoken to the lady in my life! 

The truth is that during the dinner, I was sitting next to the Chairlady of the group and during dinner, I remarked on the table decorations.   She pointed out a lady sitting near the end of the table and said, “Oh yes, Lucy there did all the decorations.  She’s very talented and can always be called on to help us.  She is a school teacher and I don’t know where she finds the time.  Her husband is also a school teacher, but not for much longer as he’s giving it up to go into business for himself.”

I kept my ears open and with my good memory was able to put the information to good use when the right occasion arose.  If your memory is not as good as it should be, write down the snippets of information that you pick up at any gathering as and when you can.  You will quickly discover just how useful these bits of information can be. 

There are many other ways for you to ascertain information about your subject. Why not try  My other two excellent books -  No1. “The Secret Guide To Cold Reading”  and  No2. “The Talking Tarot”.  These two books, taken together will provide you with all the hidden knowledge that you will ever need to become a world-beating Psychic Reader.  You will be able to give first class readings using The Tarot, Crystal Ball, Runestones, Astrology, in fact just about anything that you can think of.   In fact I recall many years ago I was working at a very large Psychic in Bedfordshire.  My table was next to a very posh lady who spoke with plums in her mouth.   Well, I was busy for most of the day, but during one short lull the posh lady spoke to me and exclaimed, “Oh Mister Merlin you are really wonderful!  You read the runes, crystal ball, tarot cards, and palms and everyone that has a reading from you seems very satisfied when they leave you.  Did it take you years of practice to learn all these arts and is there anything else that you can read?”

I was in a bit of a cheery, whimsical mood at this time, so, jokingly, I replied, in a broad Lancashire accent and in an effort to bring this posh lady down a peg or two,  “Well, if you will go outside and bring me in a shovel full of `Dog Doo` I’ll tell you the age, colour and breed of the dog that left it behind.”  Howls of laughter greeted this statement and even the posh lady saw the funny side.   Nonetheless, she would NOT believe me when I told her in confidence, that in truth I was about as psychic as a Toffee Apple!

You will find the information in the manuals actually worth more than £500 to you.  The information will help you to make an absolute fortune in your working life – even if you don’t know your Tarot from your elbow. (Even AFTER you have read them!)

Okay, let’s press on.  You have gathered the necessary information about your client and you are now going to give them a General Reading along these lines.

“At the present time you’re troubled, confused, you don’t know where to turn .   You realise that a decision of some sort is imminent.   I see you, during your life, walking a path, a long lonely path.  The path divides, you don’t know which way to turn”

 At this point watch your client carefully.  They will either nod their head Yes, or shake their head No or say something.   Generally speaking, most people at any given point in their lives have a problem, the more vigorously they nod their head, the greater the problem.  It is necessary during your reading that you make close observations of your client, they will purposely or inadvertently give you many clues to what they are looking for.   It is your job to recognise these clues and give them back what they want.   If you wish to see a master at this business, go to see a Gipsy and pay her the £10 or so for a reading.  The information that you will get will be worth much more than the money that you will be spending.   To proceed with the reading.

“Things are not progressing financially for you at the moment.”  Generally nobody is doing as well financially as they would like to be doing.   If you get the `No` Head shake on this,  you can counter with,
“You are capable of doing much better financially and I see you doing much better in the near future.”  This line will usually go down pretty well and if it does, proceed with,

“I seem to sense that there is some, even though minimal, dissatisfaction with conditions around you.   Although things in your home are very good, they could be better.”  Who could really object to a statement like that?  Things can always be better.

“You always seem to be held back just before you achieve your goal, you don’t feel that you are making progress, the amount of progress, you should be making for the amount of energy expended.  You feel that circumstances around you are unfavourable and you want to throw off this yoke and express your true self.”  Most people tend to be very inhibited and most people tend to be unable to express themselves very well.

At this point put in some of the information that you have learned about the person.  If you do as I do and ask the person to write down a most important question and not let you see it and then through an impression method (which I will teach you later) find out what this question is, you will be in a strong position to feed the information back to your client.   I would start to feed back this information at this time.  Notice that I say `start` to feed the information back.
The reason being that a brief question posed by your client can give you a load of information that you can talk around for quite a while.

Now for some flattery.  No-one objects to flattery.

“Your personal magnetism is quite strong.  This is a big factor in helping you to overcome the adverse obstacles that have put themselves in your path.   You possess the power to fascinate other people with whom you come into contact, yet you yourself are most susceptible to the influence of others and usually, not for your own good.

You are now in a cycle of unsettled conditions which are slowly changing for the better.   However, rather than just wait and see you must settle your mind by some logical and decisive action.  If you listen carefully, you can still be the master of your fate.

I see a figure 81 indicating a relatively long life span.  Longer than most of the people in your family, free from any serious illnesses or disorders, and when you die, you will simply go to sleep and not wake up.”

The Correct Atmosphere for

Doing a Cold Reading

While the cold reading is used for entertainment purposes, it is most successful when done on a `one to one` basis.  If it not possible to get your subject alone at least try to get him/her off in a corner of the room where you will not be disturbed by other members of the group.   You will quickly discover that in a private situation, even the most blatant sceptic will tend to become a believer.  It is in this setting that you are best able to concentrate on your subject, picking up the most verbal and non-verbal clues that your client is giving you.

  It is important to know a little about body language.  The following are indications of the way a subject is responding to you.

If they are sitting with their legs apart in a fairly open sitting position, this generally means that they are open and receptive to you.   If they close up their legs, cross their arm across their chest and generally take an adamant manner on their face, this means that they are closing up.   Leaning forward, or leaning forward with the chin resting on their hand(s) is generally an indication that they are receptive and want to know more.  You will find that the subject will unconsciously nod Yes or No as you have Hits or Misses.   It is necessary during the course of the reading to change your direction and to modify what you say based upon the response that you get from your client.

Having changed or modified your speech, you continue along that particular line until you get a negative response (a shake of the head) and then you proceed in a series of tangents until you hit one after the other of correct (positive) responses.

Your reading is interspersed with a series of general statements becoming more and more specific towards each individual.  Basically, what you are doing is working on a descending pyramid.   Starting off with a very broad generalisation becoming slightly more specific until your subject indicates that you are telling them something that relates specifically to them and them alone.

A great deal of this methodology becomes unconscious on your part once you’ve become practiced in the art.   During the course of the response you will note a certain amount of eye blinking and expressions on the subject’s face.  This is usually indicative of positive responses.   A fixed stare would generally indicate that you are going in the wrong direction and you would need to change tack.  Once more this is generally best handled in a private situation without distractions of any kind.

Let us assume that you are giving a general reading for entertainment purposes only and simply want to give the subject a character reading about him/herself.  I suggest strongly proceeding along positive lines.  Tell your subject what they want to hear.  Project warm glowing statements about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.   Since the hopes, dreams and aspirations are the same for all men, you will find that if you talk about your hopes, dreams and aspirations you will come very close and hit right on the head 85 to 95 percent of the hopes, dreams and aspirations of your subjects.

I will give you a series of statements and break them down for you to explain the psychology behind the reading.   “You are basically a very warm outgoing person with many acquaintances but very few friends.”   ANALYSIS; This  applies to everybody.  Many of us have a broad range of acquaintances but very few we can count on as close personal friends.

“You are not only a good and loyal and true friend but this friendship can quickly turn to anger and make you a bitter enemy when someone has wronged you. ”ANALYSIS:    Once more, this usually applies to most people.  Nobody likes to be made a fool of.  Nobody likes to be wrong.  Everybody likes to think of themselves as a good and loyal friend.

“You are at a climax, a turning point in your life.   Things that you do within this period will influence the rest of your life.  All important decisions that you now make will prove to be turning points in your life.    ANALYSIS: Once more this is true about almost everybody.  Any important decision that you make will definitely affect the rest of your life.

“You find that your emotions can run to heights and depths rather than remaining on an even keel.  It is generally your own emotions that have held you back in life.   At the same time it’s your intellect and your emotions that have carried you forward towards whatever you have achieved.”   ANALYSIS: Once more another generalisation that tends to apply to everybody.

“You worry a great deal usually about things that never come to pass.  You’re extremely tense and anxious.  During these times of tension and anxiety you tend to get headaches usually centred on one side of your head rather than the other.  Occasionally stomach or back trouble.”  ANALYSIS: Tension headaches are very common n our society.  Most people tend to have very varied mood planes rather than remaining on an even keel.  The type of person who is on an even or moderate keel is not the type of person who is coming to you for a reading.

“Going along this line you need to relax more.   Try to get a better overall view of  things, and to put things more in their proper perspective.  Try to delegate more responsibility to others rather than taking as much on yourself as you do.   You tend to be overworked and overburdened and people tend to take advantage of your good nature.”  ANALYSIS:  Everybody feel that they are taken advantage of from time to time in life.   Everybody feels that they are overworked and that others should do more of their jobs.

“You tend to be a procrastinator.  You tend to put off to tomorrow what you should   be doing today.  You find that in many cases, you rush things to get them done and then find that you have to do them again because you are unsatisfied with the results.
ANALYSIS:  Once more this is a very common trait that most of us fall victim to.  We tend to put off unpleasant tasks until the last minute.

“You tend to do things on the spur of the moment particularly when it comes to shopping or buying.   Many times you have made a purchase that you’ve been sorry for, one in the very recent past and you returned the item that you bought.
ANALYSIS: All of us tend to be impulse buyers.  The stores and advertisers rely on this and psychological tests have shown that people walking through a supermarket enter into a state of hypnosis and walk out of the store after having bought things that they never realised they had bought or needed.

“I see someone in your future, possibly already in your life, who is very close to you.  This person is short, heavy set, dark hair, dark eyes, the hair is long and tends to curl up at the bottom.”  ANALYSIS:  Watch this one very carefully.   What I have just described is a person totally opposite to the person I ‘m looking at.   Usually a person of this description will be a very close friend of the person we are working with.   In other words, what we are describing is a person whose description is totally opposite to the person to whom we are giving the reading.  Based on your clients response, you can continue with this either in a positive or negative way. 

“I see a trip coming up in the near future.  Within the next year.”   N.B. Watch very carefully on this one.  If you get a very positive response, you know that you have struck a chord.   If it’s a `No` response at al, then modify bit by being a trip, but not of a long distance and perhaps near to `water`.

“I feel that you are going to receive some unexpected news within the next seven to fourteen days. The news is neither good nor bad, but it is quite unexpected.  I feel that the news will be by telephone rather than by mail, but since it is rather vague, it could come to you by either method.  ANALYSIS: You said nothing.  Everybody receives unexpected news from someone, someplace and what you have just done is set a self-fulfilling prophecy.   They will be looking for unexpected news and when something turns up they will relate to the fact that you predicted it.

“You have a great deal of intuitive psychic ability.  However, you have not developed this properly.  With proper training and work on your part you could turn into quite a talented psychic on your own.”   Once more, everybody feels that they have some kind of psychic ability, because we have all had some sort of inspirational flashes from time to time.

“I see no major illnesses  this year, although there may be some minor ailment within the next sixty days.  Following your doctor’s advice is the best course of action for you.   NOTE: Please beware of giving medical or legal advice unless you are an expert in these fields.  In other words, if you are a lawyer, give legal advice.  If you are a physician you can give medical advice.  Otherwise unless you want to go to jail, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ON THESE TWO SUBJECTS!

A Secret Method of Obtaining

Information from your Client

Let me give you an example of a method that I used quite successfully a fair number of years ago.

The first thing to do is to take out the Blank Card from out of your Rider Waite Deck of Tarot Cards.   Stick some `clear` sticky backed plastic on the face of the blank Tarot card and cut it to size.   Next, you have to purchase a  `Chinagraph Pencil` with which to write on the blank card.  You can rub out the Chinagraph writing on the blank card after seeing each client and the card can be reused many times.   This is the methodology by which I obtain secret information from my client..

The Sitter is seated opposite the Tarot Reader.  The Reader removes the tarot cards from out of an ornately carved box.  He unwraps the silken cloth from around the cards and spreads them face up on the surface separating the two people.  “These are the Tarot” he explains, “The Book of Life.  Each one of these cards has both apparent and occult meaning.  For centuries man has used the Tarot to divine the future and to give him guidance and solutions for his problems.”   Searching through the cards the Reader carefully removes one of the court cards.   “This,” he explains “is the Significator.   It has vibrations that most closely resemble yours.  It will, during this session, represent you.  Again the Reader peruses the deck and removes the blank card.   Removing the Chinagraph Pen from his pocket he hands both the card and the pen to the client.  He says, “Please print the most important question that you would like answered in a few words on this card.  Please do NOT let me see what you have written.   When you have finished writing your target question please turn it face down on the table.  (If you are asked why the need to write, you reply that by writing down a question it allows the mind to concentrate on that subject much better.  This is pure flannel, but it seems to satisfy the sitter.)

When the card has been written and turned face down on the table, the balance of the Tarot Deck is handed to the sitter to shuffle and to cut in the usual way.   The Reader now says, “Now that the cards have been shuffled, will you please cut the cards three times to the left and restack the pack. Will you now place your question card somewhere in the pack, but please do not let me see it.”

   When this has all been done, the Reader says, “You are now in the third cycle of your life approaching the fourth cycle of your life which is a turning point in your life.   Many of the things that you have been working and striving for will start to resolve themselves during this cycle.   However, in order for them to work in your favour direct decisions will have to be made by you.”

As the Reader has been talking he has been laying out a pattern of Tarot  Cards .  As this layout is completed the Reader begins to answer the specific question that was written but never seen by him/her.   After answering the questions he continues with the general reading and concludes the session.

The method is simplicity in itself by covering the Blank Card in the Rider Waite Tarot Deck it gives you a `thick` card that easily be located.  (Try it out yourself and get used to handling the deck with the thick card)  After the thick card has been inserted into the deck you can control this card to the bottom of the deck by any means at your disposal, however, a word of caution, it should appear as if the order of the cards has not been changed.

All that I do is reach out and cut a group of cards off the tabled deck.   The `Pick a Question Card` forms a natural break but be careful not to flash the face as you lift it away from the tabled deck.   This is the most casual movement in the world and there is no need to make a move out of it.  It is also very simple to glance at the question as you deal out the Tarot Layout.   Any remaining cards after you have completed the layout can be replaced on the top of the tabled face down deck.  The remainder is a psychological and then a cold reading based on the information that you have gleaned from the sitter.

All the best in the world to you and may all your readings be perfect. (which they will after a little practice with this special card.)

`Master of the Tarot`


“The Talking Tarot”
`The Tarot Speaks`


Master of the Tarot”


I am writing this book with a particular individual in mind – YOU – the reader!  Whether you are a `budding psychic consultant` or an `adept` in the art of tarot reading, there will come a time, sooner or later when you will be happily giving a Tarot Reading for someone and `WHAM! It will hit you right between the eyes!   You will become stuck for something – anything – to say.   Your mind will frantically rove backwards and forwards in time, searching, ever searching for the correct thoughts and the correct words to say at that moment and these things will evade you completely.

This has happened to me in the past and I know that IT WILL happen to you sometime.   You find yourself on the horns of a dilemma.  What can you do in this situation?   Will you stop the reading there and then and give up, thus facing the prospect of losing all the credibility that you have so painstakingly built up over the years, or will you stumble and fumble on with a silent prayer on your lips and a lot of hope in your heart that the right words will quickly come to you.

The contents of this book will prevent that situation ever arising in your professional life.   Whenever you are faced with this dilemma – and it will happen - as sure as God made little apples, you will be able to look carefully at the Tarot Cards in the spread on the table and IMMEDIATELY – you will be able to weave a story about what you see in the pictures on the Tarot Cards.   You will be able to show your client the pictures and explain them as part of the reading and your client will be able to more fully understand what you are saying about her.

In my  other book, “The Secret Guide To Cold Reading” I made reference to making up stories about the cards in the spread.  In this book I intend to give you a little story about the seventy eight cards in the Tarot deck.   As you read the pages of this book, you should also look at each card as it is mentioned and in this way you may notice things about that card that had not previously registered.

N.B.  There is only one requirement and that is – YOU MUST HAVE A DECK OF THE `RIDER-WAITE` TAROT CARDS.

I promise you, when you have finished reading this book, you will NEVER again be stuck for something to say to your client; something that is meaningful to your client, because you will have with you the benefits of “The Talking Tarot”

Now upwards and onwards towards a learning experience that will not only be enjoyable and informative, but will also help you to become an even more professional Psychic Consultant.  It will also help you to make a lot of lovely money!

It is my sincere wish that you become very successful in everything that you do in your bright future as a Psychic Consultant.

Sincerely Yours,



“The Major Arcana Speaks”

Take a good look at this card.  What do you see?   A young male appears to be walking towards the edge of a cliff.  In his left hand he carries a white rose and a small dog appears to be `prancing`, or could it be `snapping` at his heels.   None of these things appear to be bothering him.  Could it be that he is oblivious to them because he is on his own course of action – his own destruction?  OR – is it because he is in a very happy mood and is simply going to the cliff edge to better admire the beautiful view in front of him?

Do these images not stimulate your imagination?   Should the Fool appear in the Tarot spread of one of your clients, you should be in an excellent position to be able to advise her in either of two alternatives.  For example:

1.     “The presence of The Fool in your spread could indicate that the course of action that you are currently following could lead to a lot of unhappiness.   See how this young man (The Fool) seems completely unaware that he is about to walk off the edge of the cliff and so doing, to his destruction.   Do you not think that it would be wise to reconsider your position at this time?  I feel that unless you make the necessary changes in your life at this time, you are on course for a lot of sadness and perhaps some kind of disaster.”

2.     “ The presence of The Fool in your spread at this time seems to  
     indicate that the course that you are following could lead to a lot of happiness and joy.   See how this young man (The Fool) is going to the cliff top to better enjoy the view.   It certainly seems as though your life is finally going in the right direction, so my advice to you must be for you to continue in this direction – and happiness will be yours.”

Here we see the standing figure of the Magician who holds aloft a magic wand.   On the table in front of him lies a Sword, a Wand, a Cup and a Pentacle (Coin).  Above the standing figure and in the foreground there are a variety of flowers.

The picture would indicate that the Magician is highly skilled in all the arts covered by the different suits of the Tarot Cards.   This individual could be a successful Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant or any other highly skilled person.  The interpretation of the Magician would depend upon your client’s needs at the time of the reading.

Suppose that your client is suffering from some kind of illness or disease, the reading could go along these lines:

1.     Here we have the Magician.  He is a person who is highly skilled in the healing arts.  I suspect that he is a doctor with a great reputation and I feel that he will attend you during your illness.  I am sure that you will be getting the best possible treatment for your present  condition and I am very optimistic about the outcome of your treatment.”

Should your client be involved in some legal or financial difficulty, then you change the identity of the Magician.

2.     Here we have the Magician who appears to be a very highly skilled Lawyer/Accountant who will be acting for you in this particular matter.  He seems to be very competent and sympathetic to your cause and I am very optimistic of the outcome.

The flowers on the card could indicate a successful conclusion to the problem.

You simply look at each picture in turn, consider your client’s needs at the time and by using your imagination utilise the information given in the picture on the card to suit your client’s present situation.  Are you now beginning to understand the principle that we are now using?  Let us continue.

A seated figure, THE high Priestess, holding a book (The Torah) on her lap.  Her right hand is hidden in the folds of her dress.   She sits between two pillars, one black, bearing the initial `B` and the other white, showing the initial `J`.   Upon her head there sits a headdress with a white sphere in the centre.  Could this be a crystal ball?  On her breast there is a white cross.  Is this a Christian symbol?  What does this picture say to you?

“This card indicates that there is a benign and helpful woman, who is full of love and charity for you.  She is either in your life at the moment or is likely to come into your life quite soon.   I get the impression that this lady will prove to be very helpful to you.  She may be a spiritual kind of person, probably a bit religious, but she has great perception and I think that she will show you some alternative way of dealing with a particular problem that will arise in your life at that time.”

The alternatives come from the fact that the two pillars display different initials.

Once again the seated figure of a woman.  She is holding in her right hand a gold and silver wand, surmounted with a golden ball.  A crown of stars in on her head and at the side of her throne stands a large heart shape which displays the planetary sign of Venus.  Behind her, there are a number of trees and on the right side of the picture there is a stream of blue (Pure) water.  In front of her there is a field of wheat.

Could this figure represent The Earth Mother or Wiccan Philosophy?  Whatever the representation the indications are of a very powerful woman, capable of compassion and love (indicated by the planetary sign of Venus the planet of love and emotions)   How do we use this particular card?

Shown here is a very powerful and compassionate lady.  Her power could be for good or ill, but it is up to you as to how she will use it.  There could also be a lot of love and compassion around you at this time, but you must remember that love could also include chastisement as there can be no love without honesty.  This influence appears to be in your life at this time and it is therefore up to you as to how it will be used.”

This time the seated figure is male.  He appears to be wearing armour beneath his robes which could indicate that he is a warrior emperor.  In his left hand, he holds the Orb and the Sceptre is held in his right.  Upon his head there sits a jewelled Crown.  His hair and beard is worn long.  It is grey, showing age and wisdom.  Thus we have a powerful image, tempered with age and wisdom.

“It looks as though assistance could be coming your way from an elderly and wise individual.  This person has great strength and character and you could much worse for yourself than to listen to what he may have to say.   Having listened to his advice, you will be able to make up your own mind  as to what you should do as and when it is necessary to act upon a particular problem.”

According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, a Hierophant is an `Initiating Priest` - `An expounder of sacred mysteries`, and here we see the seated figure of the Hierophant who sits between two pillars.  Upon his head there sits a golden headdress similar to the Tiara worn by The Pope on ceremonial occasions.  He holds a Triple Cross in his left hand and his right hand is upraised, commanding attention, or giving a benediction.  On the carpet beneath his feet are a pair of `Crossed keys` (The keys of the Kingdom – Ancient Secrets) and two Monks with shaven patches on their heads, stand or kneel before him.  This picture creates a feeling of well-being in my mind as I look at it and I feel that this card indicates a benign and benevolent power for good in the client’s life – and so I say something like the following:

“You appear to be entering a period of good fortune as there is this powerful yet benevolent influence in your life over the next few months.  It would seem to be a time for you to take advantage of whatever opportunities appear to you to improve the quality of your life.  Do not let anything worry you over the next few months as the Hierophant seems capable of dealing with whatever comes along.”

On this card we see two naked Lovers, a male and a female standing a short distance apart.  In the background there seems to be a large Angel giving them and their love a blessing.  It may well be a representation of Adam and Eve, the world’s first Lovers as there stands a tree bearing fruit on either side of them.  Are these trees the original trees of ` The Knowledge of Good and `Evil` and the tree of `Everlasting Life`?   I always take the view that this card represents that there will be a loving and caring experience which could last for a very long time, in the life of my client.

“It would appear that you have recently met or are about to meet a rather special person who will bring you a great deal of joy and happiness through his/her love for you.  I feel that this loving relationship could last you for the rest of your life.  However, I must remind you that in any relationship, you get out of it what you put into it and therefore the onus is on both of you to make it work out.

N.B.  If it is obvious that your client is a married person, then you can slant your tale to suit her circumstances, thus: “It looks as though your MARRIAGE will bring you great joy and happiness … etc.”

A Charioteer stands in his chariot, which is being pulled by a white and black Lion (Opposing Forces – Positive and Negative – The Yin and Yang)  Overhead there is a canopy decorated with silver stars.  He wears a Tiara upon his head which is adorned with a silver star.  In his right hand he carries a Lance.  I feel that the most significant part of this picture  are the two Lions and I feel that the Charioteer will have to devote most of his energy in ensuring that the two Lions travel in the same direction and at the same speed.  This would appear to be a difficult task, but his general appearance would indicate that he is successful as he wears the trappings of his success upon his person.

“This card here represents that there will be opposing forces occupying a place in your life over the next few months, and rather like the Charioteer, you will have to keep a firm grip on the reins of life if you are to succeed.  There will always be those around you who will be happy to place obstacles in your path, but you will have to learn how to overcome or circumnavigate them.  If you don’t – you will fail.  I think that the short meaning here is simply that the race may be difficult – but you will end up being a winner.  Do you understand what I have said?”

This picture shows an apparent gentle figure wrestling and overcoming a fully grown Lion.  In my opinion, it simply means that the client in whose spread you find this card will have great strength of character.  You should be able to `dress this up` in ay way or direction that you want to. 

“It strikes me that there is a great deal more to you than meets the eye.  This card tells me that you have a great deal of strength of character and a lot of determination.  I feel that if you are really interested in something, you have the character and determination to fully concentrate on it and never give up, even if it causes you to feel uncomfortable.   Whatever adversity may call upon you, you will always find ways of overcoming it or coming to terms with it.  You are basically a strong person and I think that you should concentrate more on the strengths in your character and do everything in your power to weed out any weaknesses that you may find.”

A lonely figure stands in the gloom of late evening.  He looks downcast, carries a walking staff and illuminates his way with a hand held lantern.  What does this image conjure up for you?  He is not a figure who seems to be enjoying himself, does he?  He is exactly what he seems to be, a sad and lonely figure and yet many women amongst your clientele will be living lives similar to the Hermit.  They seldom go out socially, they spend most of their time alone or caring for their families, who take what she offers and do very little to alleviate her loneliness.  Should this card appear in the spread of one of your clients, you could discuss it along these lines:

“It would appear that you seem to be spending too much of your time alone, or simply concerning yourself about others in your life, who seem to be getting along quite well with their own lives.  It looks as though you should be spending a bit more of your time in getting about socially with your friends.  You know what they say about `all work and no play making Jack a dull boy` don’t you, well it’s just the same for Jill – and that means YOU!   I am not suggesting that you should become an overnight `Gadabout` but I do feel that your life would be far more fulfilled if you made the effort to get out of your home from time to time in order to enjoy yourself.  Do you know what I mean?  Well, don’t just think about it, do something about it – and do it now!”

Here we see the classical picture of The Wheel of Fortune.  It is quite a complicated picture, but it’s meaning is very simple to understand; it means CHANGES!  Changes in the client’s situation, change of house, change of job, change of friends, changes in the financial situation.  The direction of the changes, whether they be for the better or for the worse, does, to a large extent depend upon other nearby cards in the spread, or how you have seen your client’s future.

If you see the Star, the Sun, or the World in the spread, you can go full steam ahead predicting all kinds of improvements and back up your statements by pointing to these other excellent cards upon which you base your predictions.  If these other `good` cards are not present, do not let that stop you from making optimistic predictions, but do have a regard to your client’s present circumstances.

“I am very happy to see the Wheel of Fortune in your spread of cards.  Its meaning is excellent at this time.  It usually indicates that changes will be taking place around you now and over the next few months for as long as its influence lasts.  Most of these changes appear to be for the better, although one cannot discount the odd hiccup along the way.  It would appear that there could be an excellent change taking place with regards to your (home/ job/ husband’s job/financial situation/ domestic circumstances) N.B. Pick one or two of the alternatives.) and I sincerely believe that such change(es) will most certainly be for the better.  You appear to be most fortunate.”

Once again a seated figure, `Justice`.  In the right hand there is held a double edged Sword (it can cut both ways) and in the left `The Scales of Justice`.  I have my own little tale for this card.

“I see that you have the figure of `Justice` in your spread.   This is a card about which I have mixed feelings.  As you can see the figure is holding a double edged sword in his right hand and the Scales of Justice in his left.  This means that there are two major conflicting influences affecting your life at the present time.  Firstly the good news.  It would appear that the scales of life are balanced in your favour at this particular time and it would appear to be a good time for making plans and being able to anticipate those plans coming to fruition on time.  However, the sword which is held in the other hand, does appear to be detrimental to you.

The way that I see it is this …”   (You must have ascertained by now that your client – or her husband, drives a car) “It would appear from the presence of the Sword that you are likely to get into a bit of trouble whilst you/your husband is driving the car.  It is not very serious, but I want to put you in the picture, I do not see any involvement in any traffic accident, but you/your husband do/does seem to be vulnerable to being reported for `Speeding`.   You appear to be vulnerable for just a few weeks, so be on your guard and tell your husband also.   It’s a funny old thing really, but I think it will happen in a 30 miles an hour zone and I see 43 miles an hour reading on the car’s speedometer.  So be warned!”

Whilst these statements may appear to be just `Boilerplate` and not very profound I think that the words will accomplish much.   First of all they help the client to be a little more optimistic about things and secondly, they may help to prevent either your client or her husband from an unfortunate experience.

We have the figure of a male hanging by his foot from the topmost cross-member of a tree.  He is fastened to the tree by only his right foot and his left leg is bent down at the knee between the tree and his own right leg.  His hands are hidden behind his back, whether fastened together or not is unknown and there appears to be a golden halo around his head.   It is most certainly a very nonchalant pose whether this was the intention of the artist that painted it or not.  In view of the posture and the apparent nonchalance of the figure who simply seems to be `hanging about waiting for something to happen`, I regard this card in a similar way to the card `Temperance`.

“The hanged man in your spread would indicate that the time has come for you to stop and take stock of your current situation.  It would appear that for some time now, you have been running about trying to do everything at once.  You appear to be in danger of overtaxing yourself, so perhaps now is the time to slow down a bit and take things a little easier.  Remember, the only thing that you get in a rush – are – Kids!”

The grim figure of DEATH dressed in armour riding his horse over the prostrate bodies of those who have tried to stand in his pathway is shown on this card.   Standing in front of Death seems to be a religious figure, probably a Bishop or Archbishop, whose hands are clasped together as if in supplication.  My feelings are that Death will pay no heed to this individual.  This card can have a rather worrying effect on any client in whose spread it appears.  I usually deal with it in this way.  (I do know that some Tarot Card Readers remove this card from their deck altogether.  However, that is simply a matter for the individual, so I will leave it up to you.)

“Do not fear because you see Death in your spread.  It does not ordinarily mean that you are going to suffer the loss of a loved one.  Its meaning is,  more often than not, is simply `A New beginning`.   Just as physical death means the ending of one chapter in a person’s progress, it does not mean an ending to that person, more likely, it means a new beginning in spirit.  This card can so easily mean that your life is likely to change somewhere and that there will be a glorious new beginning for you some time quite soon.  It could mean a new beginning in the sense that you will be beginning in a new job.  (In the case of a divorcee) It could mean a new romance in your life – it could even mean that you are about to make the decision to re-marry.  So you see, all your first impressions about this card were completely wrong and founded on your instinctive fear of the card itself.”

A white robed Angel stands in the centre of this card.  On his breast there is worn a yellow triangular motif and he is pouring blue (pure|) water from a golden cup, held in his left hand, into another similar cup held in his right.   His large wings are outspread as he stands in front of a pool of blue water.  Behind him, to his right, there is a golden Crown and to his left side, there are two flowering Irises.

“The presence of Temperance in your spread at this time is to tell you that the time has come to exercise a little temperance in your lifestyle.  It looks as though you have been trying to do too many things all at once and the time has now come when you must begin to slow down a little.  It may be that you have been a little hasty tempered of late, or that you have been a little intolerant of those nearest and dearest to you especially in the home and the workplace, but now you must try to change all that.  It can be done by simply taking things a little easier.  Temperance can also be a warning that you have been rushing things within the confines of a romantic or  emotional relationship and as the result, your partner could starting to get a little colder towards you.   Once again, there is something that can be done in this area, just slow down a bit and let nature take its natural course.  Wherever you are finding contention and dis-satisfaction, much can be done by exercising a bit of temperance.

Two small but well-developed devils are shown here.  One is male and the other is female.  They are chained together and to a large block of black stone, upon which sits the figure of a huge, bearded devil.  His right hand is upraised, palm outwards and in his left hand, which is held at waist level, he holds a large dark coloured club which appears to be burning at the topmost end, rather like a torch.   This is a rather disconcerting image for anyone to see in their spread and I deal with it like this, particularly if I have come to the conclusion that all is not too well between my client and their spouse or partner.

“I think that you will agree with me when I say that this card is not a very nice one.   It shows two people chained together by their emotional feelings (or marriage as the case may be) and in the background to this relationship, there is a very bad influence.   This could mean that all is not well within your present emotional relationship. (or marriage)   It may well be that the relationship has gone beyond the bounds where it might be salvaged and you will therefore have to consider your position from that standpoint.   On the other hand, it may be that despite the negative influences in the relationship, you may yet be able to do something that will help to eliminate all that negativity.  This would be up to you as to how you see this particular part of your life.”

From this point on you could discuss her present relationship and try to see how badly it has gone and thereafter try to offer sound, constructive advice as to what the client can do, either to end it – or – mend it!

`The apparent destruction of a light coloured Tower is illustrated on this card.  The roof of the tower which is in the shape of a large golden crown seems to have been blown off by an explosion and flames are leaping from out of the top of the tower.  Two figures, one male and the other female, are falling headfirst towards the rocky ground below, having jumped from the tower in a bid to escape.

Traditionally, this card has meant destruction or the end of something and since I am always reluctant to offer anything like bad news, I try to ignore it in the spread.  However, if I feel that it is pertinent to my client as the result of what I have learned from her, I usually relate it to something that is ending. Or has already ended in her life.”  For example:

“This card shows the ending of something and since I have already seen and told you that your marriage (relationship) has already ended.  This card simply indicates and reinforces that statement.”

In the case of a client before me whose love-life is in tatters and I am of the opinion that there is no hope of salvaging anything from the relationship, then I choose this particular route.

“The presence of the Tower in your spread is a rather grim indication that all is not well with your present emotional relationship. (or marriage.  You have already said that much and it appears that this problem has been occupying a lot of your concentration for some time past.  Well, the bad news is that it appears that this relationship is a dead duck and the sooner you end it, the sooner you will be able to recreate your life and get on with something really worthwhile.  I am sure, that with the passage of time, you will get over this breakup and find yourself someone who will really appreciate someone as fine as yourself.”

Always try to end any negative statements with a couple of positive ones.

The naked figure of a beautiful young woman kneels on one knee before a pool of blue (pure) water.  In each hand she holds a jug.  From the jug in her right hand she is pouring water into the pool and from the jug in her left hand, she pours water onto the ground at her side.  In the background, there stands a solitary tree in which there stands a rather strange looking bird.  In the sky behind her, there shines a very large and beautiful eight pointed golden star and surrounding it, there are seven eight pointed stars.

I am always very pleased when I see this card in the spread of a client as it always seems to bode well  - talk about wishing on a star. This is the way I deal with it:

“What a beautiful card!  This card is, I feel, the third strongest influence for good out of the whole pack of seventyeight cards.  Its message is rather short but nonetheless very sweet.  Just as you were told to wish upon the first star that you saw in the evening sky when you were a small child, I am now telling you, as an adult, to wish upon this particular star.  It indicates that you are going into a very happy and optimistic period in your life where the plans that you make will usually come to a successful conclusion.  It simply says, that your short term and long term prospects are extremely bright, so it is now up to you to go ahead and take advantage of whatever opportunities come your way over the next year and to make Hay whilst the Star shines.  Go ahead and enjoy the abundant joys that the presence of the Star will bring into your life.”

A large yellow Moon with a face at its centre is shown here.  Radiating outwards from the Moon are yellow pointed spikes and yellow petals fall to the ground, apparently from the spikes.  Beneath the Moon on either side stands a grey-stone tower-like building and on the ground are two dogs who seem to be baying in the direction of the Moon.  In front of the dogs there is a pool of blue (pure) water from which is crawling a Lobster.  It seems to be a rather unsettling picture, but as ever, I look for something positive to say about it.

“Looking at this picture of the Moon, I get a strong impression of `time`.  Just as the journey of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac takes approximately twenty-eight days, I usually take the meaning of this card to be multiples of twenty-eight days, or to put it another way – months.  I feel that whatever dissatisfaction there is in your life at this time has a time limit which can be measured in `months`.  In your case, I think that the thing that is currently worrying you will clear away within three/four/five/six months from now.”  (Pick a single number)   “I am aware that this problem …” (whatever you have discerned from your client)  “has been worrying you for some time, but remember, nothing is achieved by worrying.  Is it not better to accept that it will worry you no more within the time period that I have given you.  Go home with the sure and certain knowledge that your problems are coming to an end very shortly.”

A large Sun shines brightly in the centre of this card.  It radiates happiness and joy as it shines down upon a line of bright sunflowers and the naked figure of a small child riding upon a white horse.  Does this picture not bring out all that is the very best in your mind?  Can you ever remember a beautiful sunny day when you were not happy?  Then these are the kind of thoughts that should be offered to your client whenever one is fortunate enough to have the Sun in their spread.

“I want you to know that the Sun will be shining in your life over the next twelve to eighteen months.  I always feel that the Sun is the second strongest influence for good out of the whole pack of seventy-eight cards.  It is a very powerful influence for good and this influence will be shining down on everything that you do during this period.  It tells me that whatever your hopes, dreams, ambitions, aspirations, wishes and desires are, they will be successful provided you expect to see such improvements taking place in your life.  The Apostle St. Paul wrote, `As a man thinks so he becomes`.  I want you to take this sentiment to heart at this time and think as you wish to become.  Believe me it will happen.  The power and influence of the Sun is just that – a power and influence.  The direction that power and influence takes is at this time up to you.  So, if ever there was a time for thinking in a positive way, that time is here and now!  So go to it with a will and I know that you will achieve all that you set out to do.”

In the sky, there is a large Angel with wings outspread blowing the final trumpet which is decorated with a white flag, bearing the cross of St. George.  Beneath the Angel stands the figures of six people, male and female, who have apparently risen from their coffins on this day of judgement.  Their arms are outstretched as though in supplication.  It is the Day of Judgement when all people are judged by God.

What strong feelings are aroused by this picture.  It is the day that we must ALL face sooner or later and the question that is posed is how many of us will be ready for it?  Whilst the real or esoteric meaning may be somewhat different from what I am going t say, I can only defend myself by saying that nothing good comes from giving out stories of doom, gloom and disaster to my clients.  Therefore, as ever, I try to use this card in the most constructive way possible – that’s if I cannot ignore it altogether!

“Here we see the Day of Judgement.  It is the one inescapable day which will come to us all,  However, I feel that this card does not mean that you are about to be judged for some wrongdoing on your part.  On the contrary, it would appear to me that this card is telling you that you ought not to judge others too harshly.  I get a strong impression that you are prone to speaking your mind when you feel the need and perhaps in so doing you can often be rather hypercritical (not hypocritical) of your fellow creatures.  Perhaps the time has come when you should reflect upon the fact that none of us are perfect and that even you may not always be right in everything that you do.  Bearing this thought in mind when you feel the need to judge or chastise someone may help you to deal with that person less scathingly.”

The above may be described as `pure boilerplate` or a pretty fair example of Cold Reading as it will fit most people, but at least it deals with the card in a most effective way – would you agree?

The final card in the Major Arcana and the one which is traditionally the `best`.  It shows the partially draped figure of a woman who holds a wand in each hand.  She is walking lightly through a large Laurel Wreath.  At each corner of the card there is a figured head; a Human, a Bird, a Bovine and a Lion.  A bright and cheerful picture that makes me feel, bright, cheerful and very optimistic for my client, whenever I see this card in a spread.

“The presence of the World at this time usually bodes lots of good luck and fortune for the coming months.   It is traditionally the strongest single influence for good out of the whole pack.  You are indeed most fortunate having it in your spread at this time, as it usually indicates that everything is likely to be successful for you over the next twelve to eighteen months.  This wonderful and benevolent power will be exercising its influence in your life over the coming months and it speaks of you achieving everything that you set your heart on.  It is most certainly a time for joy and happiness and you must do your utmost to take advantage of its presence in your life during this time.  I think that you are a most fortunate individual, so good luck to you!”

We have now dealt with the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana and it is my hope that you will have now realised the importance of looking at the detail contained in each card of the |Tarot Deck.  As you look at each card in succession, the details depicted on the card should stimulate your imagination and allow you to weave a little story about what you see there.

As I deal with the Minor Arcana I shall not describe in great detail each card as I have this far done with the Major Arcana.  I shall just give you the story for that card instead and allow you the opportunity to study each card in depth as I have shown you so that you can prepare your mind for telling stories.

Alright, on ee go and let the Minor Arcana have its say.


The Suit of Wands

We will now deal with the cards in the Minor Arcana and we will begin with the Suit of Wands.

I usually take the meaning of the Ace of wands to be `improvement` in my client’s social life, so I say something like this whenever it appears in a spread.

“It would appear from the presence of this card that the quality f your social life is going to improve quite significantly.  It may well be that you have not been going out and about quite as much as you should, but from this time onwards it looks as though all that is going to change.  I feel that you are going to enjoy yourself a lot more than you have been doing recently and I would not preclude the possibility of you making a trip of some kind in the nor too distant future.  A foreign holiday should not be excluded.  I hope that you will enjoy the direction that your life is going to take from now on.”

“The presence of the Two of Wands in your spread usually denotes that things are generally getting better over the next few months.  I certainly seems as though you will be holding `the world` or at least that part of it that is important to you, in the palm of your hand very shortly.     I am very optimistic about your future and I hope that you will take advantage of whatever opportunities come your way    I am very optimistic about your future and I hope that you will take advantage of whatever opportunities come your way.”

“This is an excellent card to find in any spread.  Look at the card and notice that the figure on the clifftop is waiting for his ship to come home.  This means that round about this time, your ship will be coming in, bringing with it all the `goodies` that you might desire.  Enjoy it!”

“This card usually indicates that there will be a change in your normal residence in the comparatively near future.   If you look at the card, you will see that the roof of the house is red in colour, which often means that the house will be a happy one.  If you have been thinking of changing your home, then now would appear to be a favourable time to do it.   Once again looking at the card you will see that the two people in the picture are waving bunches of flowers – they look happy at the change that they have just made, do they not?  I think that you will also be happy with any change that you make now.”

This card seems to indicate that there could be some aggravation around you at this time.  There does seem to be a quarrel going on in the picture on this card.  Are you having a difficult time with anyone at the present time.”  (When you have ascertained the cause of the problem in your client’s life – then offer her sound and pertinent advice on how to deal with it. – if there appears to be no problems at the present time – continue …)   “Well, if there is nothing wrong at this time, then I would think that this is likely to be experienced within a few months.”

It looks as though there is going to be some significant improvements in your working or business life in the very near future.  I am optimistic that there will shortly be some good news regarding a promotion or improvement with some increase in responsibility.  This will be reflected in the increased amounts of cash that you will be bringing home – Enjoy It!”

This card seem to show that you are having a bit of difficulty with a close member of your family – is that right?”   (Discover what the problem is and offer help and advice on dealing with it.  If no such problem exists at the present time, consider saying …)  “I wasn’t too sure about that, but I think it might be wise to keep your family close to you as much as you can and be prepared to nip in the bud, any difficulties that do come along.”

“I notice that you have the Eight of Wands in your spread at this time.  I feel that you might be entering into a period of increased activity.  It could be that your help and or advice might be needed by a family member who is going through a difficult patch at this time.  Does that sound right to you?”  If the answer is `Yes` then offer advice – if the answer is `No` then continue …)  “I see not at this time eh?  Well I suppose it could be something for the future.  Anyway, you are now forewarned and forearmed.”

Looking at this card it would appear that you have recently gone through a rough time.  This card seems to say that it looks rather like you have been dragged through a hedge backwards – emotionally speaking.  Do you know what I mean?”  (Provided you have done your homework earlier on and managed to discover what your client’s problem is – you will be able to help with it.  If no problem exists at this time then continue …)  “I see, everything is Okay with you at the moment then in that case you must be prepared for a bit of trouble coming your way within the next three months – if nothing has happened by then – forget it as the trouble will have passed you by.”

“It looks as though you are carrying more than your fair share of cares and worries at this time.  It certainly to be a rather large burden and my advice to you is to put down that worry or burden and let the other members of your family carry their own problems and live their own lives.”  (Pure Boilerplate!)

“It would appear that there could be some good news connected with a young person connected to you.  It could be a son or a daughter or even a nephew or niece or even a grandchild.  It could be good new3s connected to school, college or university, but wherever or whomever it is connected to it’s really great news of some success somewhere.”

“It looks as though there could be some fine young man/girl coming into your life quite soon.   He/she is shown as the Knight of wands.  These Wands people are usually happy and committed individuals who always make the person in their life very happy.  I am very happy for you.”

“ We have here a very wise, middle aged or elderly lady .  I feel that she is a person who is quite close to you.  She could be a mother, mother-in-law, elder sister or older friend, but whoever she is, she is close to you and thinks very kindly towards you.  She seems to be a good friend, one who you can trust implicitly, even with your confidences – and – she will never let you down.  She could also be a good person to seek out when you need the odd bit of advice.”

We have here a middle aged or elderly gentleman.  A kindly and thoughtful man who is kindly disposed towards you.”   (Think about what you have just read about the Queen of Wands and relate something similar to the King.  Are you learning now?)


The suits of Cups.

“It looks as though your life is entering into a very happy period, where the indications are that your cup of life will be overflowing with the good things that life has to offer.  By that I mean that your life will be filled with the material and financial blessings and you will find great emotional happiness and the spiritual side of your life will be complete.  I feel that you will shortly be experiencing a most wonderful time in your life, so take advantage of whatever fate may offer you.”

“It would appear that your social life is going to be enlivened a little, by being invited to kind of matrimonial celebration.  I would think that it is something like and Engagement Part or even a Wedding, although I think that if it is a Wedding, it will be a simple affair.   I don’t see a Bridal Gown, something rather more simple than the traditional wedding, perhaps even taking place at the Registry Office.   Nonetheless, I feel that you will have an excellent time and really enjoy yourself.”

“there seems to be an invitation to some kind of celebration, although it is difficult to perceive exactly what kind it is.   I feel that it may be connected with a matrimonial event of some kind.  Does that mean something to you?”  (Wait for some feedback from your client and then depending on the answer use your own judgement and continue …)  “Yes … it’s becoming clearer now … it does look like a … (Whatever)  However, I do know that a good time will be enjoyed by everyone.”

“take a look at this card.  It shows a young man sitting beneath a tree.  He has and he owns three beautiful and valuable gold cups and it appears as though a spirit hand is offering him a fourth, equal in beauty, equal in value, but the young men appears as though he is refusing the offer.  Not because he fails to recognise its beauty or value, but simply because the hand offering him the cup is  a `spirit hand` and the young man is unable to see exactly what is behind the offer.  The young man thinks it will probably be wiser to refuse the offer at this time.  Do you understand what I have said so far?  Good!  Well I want you to understand that symbolically YOU are the young man and I feel that you are about to made what may appear to be a very attractive off of some kind.  It may be made at a time when you are particularly vulnerable.  However, I want to you to do your best to see exactly what is behind the offer so that you are not compromised in any way.  If you have any doubts at all – then REFUSE  to have anything to do with this particular offer.”

It looks as though you have been going through a rather difficult time lately, but you seem to be concentrating on your problems and difficulties to the exclusion of everything else.  Is that right?”  (Show your client the card and say, )  “If this person was standing outside your garden gate, looking as he does, you would quickly know what to say to him, wouldn’t you?  Of course you would, you would probably quickly tell him not to concentrate on the cups that have fallen over, but to concentrate more fully on the cups that are still standing upright.  That is exactly what I am saying to you.  Do not waste your time and energy on worrying about things that have gone wrong in the past – let those things remain in the past and concentrate more fully on the things that are going right for you at this time.  That is the only way to deal with past problems.  I promise you that if you will be more forward looking, things will improve in all areas of your life where you would like to see such improvement.   Jesus Christ said, `Let the dead bury the dead`, he knew what it was all about.  Let the past remain n the past and try to become m ore optimistic about the future, but vow never to repeat past mistakes and all will be well with you.”

“ I see two children here in this card.  They seem to be playing happily in a beautiful garden and growing plants in a number of golden cups.  If you look at the picture you will see that each cup is filled to overflowing with flowers and greenery.  This simple representation tells me that your children  (having ascertained that she/he has children!) seem to be growing and developing along the lines that you have decided on and |I am sure that they will continue in this way for a long time yet.  It is my feeling that they will never bring any trouble to your door.  You seem to be very fortunate in this.”

“It would appear that you are going to be invited to a big party in the not too distant future.  It could be a very large and posh or sumptuous wedding or Silver Wedding, Golden Wedding.  Whatever it is there will be lots of people there, including people that you have not seen for some time and may even have lost touch with.   There will be music, laughter, gaiety, happiness and joy in huge quantities.  Be prepared to have the time of your life.”

I get the feeling that you have/are walked/wanting to walk away from an unsatisfactory situation or relationship in your life.  Do you know what I mean?”  (At this time your client will unburden her/himself and all her/his problems, dissatisfactions and frustrations will be laid out for you to take a look at and to help advise.  You have the responsibility of giving sound and pertinent advice that will help your client to deal with the problems.) 

I am happy to see this card in your spread as it bodes good fortune for you.  Good fortune in the sense that it looks as though your home could be going through some kind of refurbishment, redecoration and/or alteration.  It would appear to me that over the next few months you will be changing the appearance of your home quite considerably.  It also looks as though good fortune could be smiling on you in other ways as well because in addition to the changes that I have just described, I also feel that there will be new curtains, carpets and whatever else you may have in mind at this time.  I know that once you have finished, all will look beautiful and your house will prove to be a very happy home.

This card seems to indicate that you are entering into a very prosperous period of your life and that prosperity will come to you sooner than you think.  I feel that when prosperity arrives, it will remain with you throughout your life, even into your old age.  My reasons for this assumption is plain to see on the card before you.  The Ten of Cups – Look at it, notice the Rainbow and think back to your childhood.  Do you remember when you were young and at school during religious education you were taught how in the Book of genesis you were taught that there was a great flood and that after the flood, God placed a Rainbow in the sky and promised Noah that He would never again drown the earth by another flood.   So… the Rainbow in your cards is to do with prosperity because of the golden cups.  You are indeed a very fortunate individual.”

“Here we have the picture of a fish popping up out of a golden cup.  What a surprise!  Yes! It’s a surprise for you or someone close to you.  It looks as though it might be good news coming your way or even unexpected gifts.  I am not able to be more specific, but enjoy it – whatever it is.”

“It looks as though there is a fine and patient young man about to come into your life very soon.  He is shown holding a golden cup in his hand, so he will be very good at his job or profession, but he will not be prepared to sacrifice his home life to his work as his pace seems too leisurely.   I feel that this relationship will be a most satisfactory one, unless you `botch` it up by your own foolishness.”

“It seems as though there is a rather wealthy and influential lady  who is or is about to come into your life soon.  She seems as though she is looking towards you with a great deal of  kindness and love.”  (You can go in any direction that you want to from this opening depending on how you have perceived your client and her problems, difficulties OR EVEN LACK OF PROBLEMS.

A rich, powerful and influential older man, a husband, a father figure, a person to be respected and one who could help financially.”
(With the description above you cold go in any direction that you wanted to.  You can offer all kinds of help, assistance etc from the King of Cups depending on what you have perceived of your clients life, her/his needs or wherever she/he may need help.)


The Suit of Swords.

“It strikes me that there is going to be some kind of additional success in your/ your husbands working life or profession.  I think that an opportunity will be offered to you/yourhusband where you/yourhusband will be given some additional responsibility, status and additional pay commensurate with the additional responsibility etc.  It looks as all the good work done by you/your husband has not been overlooked by your/yourhusbands emplyer.  Accept these excellent changes and you will all prosper.

It seems to me that you are going to be called upon to make some kind of important decision quite soon.  Just as the lady in this picture seems to be about to make a decision as to which of the two swords she is going to use in whatever struggle may lie ahead of her, so I feel that you will, if you haven’t already made the decision about a matter close to your heart.”  (It may be that your client has a problem about which she has to make a decision – offer help and advice regarding this as you see fit.)

“ It looks as though you are trying to divide your loyalties in far too many directions at this time.  Perhaps it is time to decide where your feelings really lie and having decided, then do something about it.  If you continue to decide that you are going to continue dividing yourself into too many parts, then I feel that you are on a course of unhappiness.  It is time to get your mind working on this problem if you wish to avoid complications in your life.”

“It would seem that a number of things have been going a bit wrong for you over the past few months.  I know that you are presently wondering just what is the next thing that will go wrong in your life.  Well, I think I have to tell you that you appear to have had more than your fair share of  bad luck recently, but I feel that this bad luck is about to be directed elsewhere quite soon.  The Apostle St. Paul said `As a man thinks – so he becomes` so if you start to think a bit more positively you will easily bring some more better luck towards yourself.”
“I feel that you have probably had more than your fair share of difficulties and problems over the past few months, but I want you to understand that things are now changing for the better.  If you look at this card you will see that the young man is collected the swords of his defeated enemies who appear to be leaving the field of battle.  Whilst he may be taking on an additional burden by doing that which he is doing, he is doing it happily because he now knows that the worst is over and that is the way that you must consider this card.  You may be burdened, but the burden is self-imposed and the worst is now over.  Just be happy about that fact.

I get the feeling that there has been times in the recent past when you have felt just like the cowled figure in the boat.  Hooded, so that you cannot see just where you are going and with a number of obstacles in front of you preventing you from doing just what you want to do.  Well, the good news appears to be that there is much more peaceful and calmer water ahead of you and I think what you have coped pretty well with the difficulties so far experienced.  From this day forward, I think that you can look forward to much calmer water s in your life.”

“I get a strong impression of some `unfinished business` in your life at this time.  Do you know what I am talking about?”  ( Your client will now unburden her/hiself and tell you all that you need to know about the `unfinished business` and you can then steam ahead by offering sound and helpful advice.

“My oh My! You do seem to be surrounded by problems in your life at this time.  Would you like to discuss them with me and let us see if we can find some solutions together.”  (Your client will now tell you all that you need to know and you can discuss the problems together and hopefully by giving her good advice, help her to either overcome or come to terms with her problems.)

“It would appear that your sleep has been troubled recently.  I get the impression that you have not been sleeping as well as you should.  Is that right?  Would you like me to help you with what has been keeping you awake at night?”   (Your client will now lay it all out before you in the hope and expectation of getting some help from you.  You must not disappoint her.”)

“I feel that you will shortly be turned against by someone whom you have always considered to be a friend.  I think that you will rather feel like the individual in the picture here.  I want to assure you that the fault will not lie with you or with anything that you have done; the fault will lie fairly and squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrator of this act.  They, will have the problem of having to face up to what they have done to you at some time in the future, so you need to do nothing in return for this unfriendly act.  It is my opinion that you will eventually be better off without this kind of person in your life, they pollute the very air that you and your family breathe.”

(First of all ensure that your client has a child or children.)
“It would appear that one of your children is a very positive minded individual who will go from success to success in his/her life.  I feel that this person has more talent and ability than most people and it will show in the degree of success that he/she will achieve.  I suspect that `getting on in life` will be the main driving force of this individual, which will make it a bit difficult for the person that he/she decides to share his/her life with.  However with the right partner in life, they will experience a wonderful life together.

“The man in this picture looks as though he belongs to you in some way.”  (Husband or Lover)  “He seems to be a very positive and ambitious man who will go out of his way to achieve the success in life that he desires.  He is a most dominant and single-minded individual and whilst he may not be the easiest person in the world to live with, he will prove to be one of the most successful of men that you will ever meet.  If you are married to him or about to be married to him, he will always be an excellent provider and you will never go short of anything.  (Have you noticed – this is the Page of swords Grown Up!)

“There seems to be a dominant and strong-willed woman in your life at this time.  She is not someone who is everyone’s `cup of tea`, but the reality of the situation is that she is not really a bad old stick.  Do you know who I am talking about?”  (Now be guided by what your client says to you.)

“There is a very strong willed and determined older man in your life at this time, or about to enter your life.  He is a man of immense ability and talent who seems to have achieved all he wanted to achieve …”  (You should know the route to take by now!)


The Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles can also be called `Coins`.

“I am very pleased to see that you have the Ace of Pentacles in your spread as it is an excellent indicator of future financial success.   It certainly looks as though things could be looking up for you on the `money front` very soon, so you must be  optimistic and more importantly, expectant.  If you or your husband speculate a few `bob` on the national Lottery each week, I am sure that you will hear some good news quite soon.”

“I get a strange feeling that you may be going through a rather funny period at the moment regarding someone close to you in your life.  I feel that there is someone who is not really sure of his feelings towards you at this time.  Have you noticed this recently, bearing in mind that it could even involve  one of your children who is also going through a difficult time.”  (Your client will now tell you all about it.)

“Seeing the Three of Pentacles here reminds me of a Christening, or baptism and it looks as though you will shortly be getting an invitation to such an event.  Looking at the picture makes me feel that you could even be playing a role as a participant in this event, rather than simply being a spectator, so if you have never been asked to be a Godfather/Godmother before, then now is the time to go out and get your best coat and hat dusted off.”

“I get the impression that you seem to be spending quite a bit of your time at present wondering and thinking about your past, Your present, your future and perhaps the direction that your life is going.  Would that be right?”   (Let your client tell you all about it and then offer some sound practical advice.)

“Looking at this card makes me feel that the situation that is causing you problems is only a temporary one and I feel that relief will come within a pretty short time.”   (If your client is going through a separation or divorce or a breakdown in an emotional relationship.  You should know that given time, your client will heal through natural processes and you simply put a reasonable time limit on it.)

“By the placing of this card in your spread, I feel that the scales of life seemed to be balanced in your favour at this time.  If you look at this picture, it would seem to show a young man weighing out his gold and finding that he has more than his own needs, is able to dispense some of the surplus to the less fortunate.   It certainly looks as though you will be in that fortunate situation quite soon, so keep on looking forward to that event.  It certainly shows that the next few months will show much improvement.”

“This is rather a strange card, it makes me think that you have lost a lot of the enthusiasm that you once had for your work.   I think that you have recently been feeling as though you are in a dead end job and because of it, you have not been realising your full potential.  You have two choices as I see it.  On is to  change your job for one that you think will be more stimulating and fulfilling; or two, get back into the swim of things in your present job.  Perhaps the latter course may be the best one for you as I feel that you have done much good work in the past and have created an excellent reputation for yourself.  If you are just going through a temporary phase, it would be a shame to pack up all the good that you have already accomplished.”

“It looks as though you are in a job that you really enjoy and I think that you have a very good name with your employers for being industrious and hard-working.  Don’t think that the good work that you have done in the past has been overlooked, I know that it hasn’t.  Keep it up as it certainly looks as though you could be offered some kind of promotion or improvement in your status quite soon.  You should also be getting some kind of a pay increase also.

The presence of the Nine of Pentacles simply means that there will be some significant improvement in your financial future in the next few months, as I see new money coming into your home.  It could be either from you or your husband with one of you getting this improvement, but it doesn’t matter who brings it into the house as `it is all grist that comes to the mill`.  Just enjoy it!”.

“It looks as though you are entering a particularly fortunate period as far as money is concerned.  It does look as though money will be showering down on you and yours.  I just don’t know what you will do with all the money, perhaps a wonderful foreign trip or holiday is something that you should be thinking about.   Whatever you finally decide to do, I trust that you will enjoy all the good things that seem to be coming towards you.

“The indications given by the Page of Pentacles are that you are likely to hear some unexpected good news here connected with money or material possessions quite soon.  I would not preclude the possibility of it being some kind of legacy or something of that sort.
Anyway, when it comes you must enjoy it.

“The Knight of Pentacles in your spread of cards seem to show that there is some kind of success coming to a young man connected with you.  It may well be a young person who has been rather unhappy in his/her work, but tell that young person not to worry, as there seems to be a change for the better coming along quite soon.”  (If your client has a child or relative at college or university, you can twist the story around that.)

“I have here a mother figure.  She looks as though there is a certain amount of financial success and relative prosperity attached to her.  I feel that she would always be available for help should you ever need it.  She seems to be well-disposed towards you, so be assured that you will always have a friend in her.”

“There is an older man close to you that looks rather like a `father figure`.  This man appears to be an individual who has worked all his life and because of that fact, he is now financially very secure.   He seems well-disposed towards you …”  (You should now be able to weave a little story about this card because I have shown you the way to go.)


We have now come to the end of this treatise and it is hoped that you have now learned how to tell a story connected to the particular Tarot Card that you are looking at, irrespective of the circumstances of your client.

It is vitally important that you do your early work of `casing your client` (See my other book “The Secret Guide to Cold Reading.”) because it is upon what you have learned about your client that your `stories` will be based.  Without some knowledge of your client, her background, marital status, whether she is working or not, has children or not, their ages, or anything else that you can discover about her, your ability as a Psychic Reader will be greatly impaired.

Whilst each Tarot card in your client’s spread will give you the basis to a story that you can weave abut your client’s life, it will not tell you anything about her life.  This has to come from your early observations and initial interview, before you have touched the Tarot cards.  However, once armed with sufficient information regarding your client, you will certainly be able to add a lot of `spice` to an otherwise cold reading.   You will be able to see exactly just where and how you can fit the stories, shown in the cards, into your client’s life, but remember, the main purpose of this book is to help you at the time when your mind becomes completely blank and you find yourself stuck for something to say.

It is my sincere hope that your mind will never go blank, but it is nice to have the knowledge that you can overcome that problem, no matter what may happen to you during a Tarot card Reading.

I wish you every success in your life as a successful professional Psychic Reader and I hope that I have contributed to that success in some small way by the writing of my books.

Most Sincerely,
