Thursday, February 4, 2016



BY 2029.

Mars in Libra

(The Captivator)

An intensive yen for romance may tempt you to marry early and in haste, which is inviting trouble.  You enjoy life as an "attention-getter" with good looks and a congenial manner to attract those with the same qualities.  You will also inevitably provoke the jealousy that goes with popularity.  You're really too intelligent to indulge your penchant for changing partners each time you dance.  You have what it takes to recognize the "right" one, with all you need to be happy.

Mars in the Ninth House

(The Evangelist)

There is never a doubt as to where you stand or a reluctance to share your opinions with others.  You will champion any cause in which you believe.  Highly intelligent and a compelling speaker, you get your point across in the most efficient manner.  Add tolerance, charity and a pinch of humility to your list of assets and you will, without doubt, influence others to follow guidelines you are confident will better the world in which we live.

Jupiter in Libra

(The Goddess)

Use your fairy gifts of beauty, charm, and grace wisely.  Your artistic talents may bring you a prominent place in the public eye.  Partners are all-important.  You extend yourself to assure that you are worthy of them.  You may fulfill your dearest wish that the world will be a happier place and its citizens find contentment because you have walked among them.

Jupiter in the Ninth House

(The Missionary)

You may feel you were born with a definite purpose in life to help others to elevate themselves to a position of higher learning.  Your ministerial bent may take you to foreign lands.  Whatever your message, you are firm in your beliefs and the authority you communicate in your writings or lectures will impress those who listen with your sincerity.

Saturn in Taurus

(The Dejected)

Frugality is against your nature, but you feel a need to "pinch pennies" which can earn you a reputation for being "tight."  You may be unduly concerned over finances and possessions.  Love is also a part of the security you crave. Learn to accept losses that everyone experiences from time to time.  You should be able to acquire enough material means to alleviate your fears and enjoy the caring relationships essential to your well-being.

Saturn in the Fourth House

(The Disciplinarian)

You may feel "stuck in a rut" because of a childhood filled with responsibility.  Because of this, it is difficult for you to shed feelings you had when you were "stuck at home."   At times, you may appear to be cold or too reserved.  Others may assume your spartan tastes are a reflection of your deprivation.  Upon leaving your family, try to put the past behind you and make a life of your own, unencumbered by the restraints of your formative years.

Uranus in Gemini

(The Clairvoyant)

Your facility to see clearly where others are perplexed separates you from the norm.  You may obtain an education in unorthodox ways, but have the ability to distinguish yourself in the field of science, perhaps in space technology.  Your "Buck Rogers" mentality will bring you some regard, but also can provoke criticism as being too eccentric to be practical. You may find a way to jar humanity from today's complaisant rut and into the expansive future of tomorrow.

Uranus in the Fifth House

(The Child)

You are always in search of amusement of a "different" kind, and may originate innovative games.  No matter your age, children find you fascinating and accept you readily.  Your own children may be as full of surprises as you, yourself. Because of your many facets, you project whatever image you desire, with the skill of an actor.  You may fall in and out of love easily because of your lack of commitment.  A desire for too much freedom can result in a lonely future.

Neptune in Aries

(The Reformer)

You will acquire the knowledge it takes to improve social conditions whenever you can.  Your acute awareness of a need for change and expansion can lead to a career in medicine, philosophy, or law.  You may even take your place in politics where your empathy for the needy may influence upgrading programs of relief.  Intuitive feelings will enhance your instincts and guide you into channels where your natural bent for leadership will be most effective.

Neptune in the Third House

(The Story-teller)

Your talents do not end with being a superb raconteur.  You can embellish the simplest thought with fascinating details worthy of publication.  You may also have a gift of E.S.P.  Your aptitude with electrical devices fits you for a successful career in communication, but you cannot depend on potential, alone, to accomplish your goals.  You must first define them specifically; then build a firm foundation on which to base the application of your skills.

Pluto in Aquarius

(The Architect)

Your dreams for the future are utopian and not always impractical.  Others may not understand or agree with your thinking as to how your plans will be accomplished, but you do have plans.  You will propel your strategies forward with your usual enthusiasm, optimism and the confidence that if one door does not open, there are others to try.  Your courage plus a dynamic drive that does not know defeat increases your chances of seeing your desires fulfilled.

Pluto in the First House

(The Powerful)

You are a force to be reckoned with, and are determined to make your mark on the world.  You seem invincible because you strengthen your resolves in the face of adversity. Understanding yourself is essential to your success, or you cannot understand the needs of others.  You may limit your talents by serving yourself, alone.  As with most people given power, you must tithe your strength to pay your debt to the universe, or it may be turned against you.

Cancer Midheaven

You will be attracted to a career which allows you to maintain strong family ties.  A career which allows you to be nurturing or productive will give you emotional and creative satisfaction.  You are good at sensing and supplying the needs of  the public.  Security is important to you.  It can cause you to value money for its own sake rather than for what it will buy.  Recognize that security also comes from loyalty and honesty in your business relationships.  You are capable of making personal sacrifices in order to nurture the growth of those with whom you work.

Although you are good at switching careers because of your good sense of timing, avoid an indiscriminate, profligate lifestyle which would leave you with no permanent home base or relationship bonds.  You need to have a home of your own and a settled existence.  If you were the proprietor of a little shop, this could be a second home for you.

Occupations consistent with your nurturing style of work include home- or family-oriented businesses, restaurant owner or manager, real-estate broker, jobs connected with fluids or the public, politician, teacher, counselor, manufacturer, musician, entertainer, dancer, art dealer, advertiser, marketer, nurse or doctor.  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of the moon, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.

North Node in Capricorn

(The Infant)

You may be a "mama's baby," and enjoy the role, but must give up childhood pampering, or continue tossing on a sea of emotional turmoil.  When you assume adult responsibilities, you will exercise your fine qualities of honor, loyalty and discipline.  Then you will earn the respect and pride, as well as the love of parents and peers, which you have always known.

North Node in the Twelfth House

(The Neglected)

You may feel your high ideals set you apart, but are often aware that you are part of struggling humanity.  If you are unappreciated, you look inward for answers, and may find a morsel of truth.  But, life requires full participation.  In nurturing others, you will realize that we are all one and when the bell tolls, it does, indeed, "toll for thee!"

Planets in Aspect

Moon conjunct Ascendant  (Strength:  7.37)

(The Subterfuge)

You may disguise your emotionally-sensitive nature in the extreme, either as bravado or in a submissive attitude.  The truth is that it is difficult for you to let others in on your feelings or talk about your problems with those who might understand.  An emphasis on possessions can weaken your intuitive powers or the ethereal nature which makes you mediumistic.  By observing the needs of others, you may be able to communicate openly and relieve your burdened spirit.

Moon square Mercury  (Strength:  6.48)

(The Misunderstood)

You can encounter considerable frustration in getting your point across.  It is not that others are ignorant, but that you are too emotionally involved with what you are trying to say to use a logical approach.  If you express your feelings, it may be a good way to relieve tension and invite new insight to "clear the air."  It is not necessarily compromise but mutual rapport that often resolves any lack of communication that exists between you and your opposition.

Venus square Saturn  (Strength:  5.21)

(The Rigid)

You expect relationships to conform to your standards, which can make a bonding permanent but sacrifice the interaction of stimulation and growth.  In business or personal partnerships, it is impossible to hold a line that is altogether unbending and expect everyone to be happy within its perimeters.  Communication is vital to your unions to find ways to endure that will not make you feel isolated or alone, even though you are bound to one another.

Jupiter conjunct Ascendant  (Strength:  4.70)

(The Expansive)

You desire the best of all-possible worlds and can't settle for less.  You may depend on others to provide your needs rather than to put your own energy into your projects.  You are surprised if they balk or object, since you reason you would do the same for them under similar circumstances --and you would!  You are never satisfied with current achievements and will spend much of your life employing an "extra stretch" to extend your knowledge and share your findings.

Sun trine Mars  (Strength:  4.68)

(The Self-possessed)

You are confident, but not often "cocky."  You attract the opposite sex and others who admire your independence, though you adjust readily to partnerships which increase your scope.  You review your progress regularly and update your potential, so are prepared for achievement without egoistic pitfalls to delay your success.  You may excel in physical sports, but true to your pattern are well-rehearsed, and play for the challenge of a game -- not for the win, alone.

Uranus trine Pluto  (Strength:  4.37)

(The Transformation)

You were born with a responsibility to restructure and regenerate what has been destroyed in the universe.  You may be a scientist, a law-maker, a mother, a gardener, a laborer, a professional or develop skills as yet unknown that will be of intrinsic value to humanity.   Your contribution will not be oppressive unless you choose anarchy over transformation. What you achieve will be done with joy, pride and great and careful consideration for the generations that follow.

Moon conjunct Jupiter  (Strength:  3.64)

(The Equipollent)

You have a strong conviction that what you put into something will be returned in equal measure.  In most cases you are right, and since you project confidence, enthusiasm, nurturing and good will, that is what you attract.  However, you must avoid temptations to acquire "too much of a good thing."  You are, by nature, given to excesses.  Don't allow your optimism to lure you with empty hopes and promises into depths beyond your reach and over your head.

Mars trine Uranus  (Strength:  2.97)

(The Expressive)

You will find positive ways to release your tremendous store of energy, and may direct it into a career or some "life work" of an unusual nature.  You will never go unnoticed because you express as a "different" kind of individual.  Your unique imprint is on whatever you touch, whether constructive or destructive.  Each success builds your confidence to move onward and upward.  You are adventurous and are liable to "climb a mountain just because it's there."

Saturn square Pluto  (Strength:  2.61)

(True Grit)

You may feel the world is against you or that life is a continuous struggle, with you the innocent victim.  Even if you must combat overwhelming odds, you will find ways to express yourself and your ideas as an effective individual.  The more difficult the obstacle and the less you have to work with, the stronger you will become.  When you establish your values, you will defend them wholeheartedly and few can come against you without knowing they have been in a fight.

Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  2.14)

(The Self-aware)

It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what "makes you tick."

Sun trine Uranus  (Strength:  1.65)

(The Electrifier)

You are a motivating force, and often inspire others to follow your lead.  Never content with the "status quo," a search for enlightenment can lead you to explore unusual ways of getting in touch with yourself.  Beware of "kooky" cults or schemes, but uplifting studies can be helpful.  One of these may be astrology.  If you are not productive, restless energy may appear as nervous disorders which can only be remedied by steps you take to restore your cosmic balance.

Venus conjunct Pluto  (Strength:  1.42)

(The Determined)

An intense desire for love and the finer things of life may encourage you to be indiscriminate about how you acquire either.  You feel things on a "gut" level and may be jealous and possessive.  You will be loyal and sincere, even though you may realize you are pursuing someone who may not be good for you.  If angered by rejection, you'll attempt to get even without thought of consequences.  Try to temper your fixations with reason to assure the success of an in-depth union.

Mars trine Pluto  (Strength:  1.34)

(The Renewer)

As an instrument in the progress of mankind, you may taste fame, and even fortune, depending on where and how you direct your powerful energies.  If you know yourself well, you can identify with the needs of others and use your formidable drive to benefit society as a leader.  If motivated by selfishness, you may receive some satisfaction from personal gain but will sacrifice the true distinction of contributing to the universe on the altar of prideful self-esteem.

Venus sextile Neptune  (Strength:  1.33)

(The Genteel)

You may establish a successful career in some kind of art or art-related business, since you have an unusual ability for recognizing or creating beauty.  You are refined and abhor roughness or depravity of any kind.  "Rose-colored glasses" can make you unrealistic in relationships, for which you will accept blame, but believe in a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.  You sometimes accomplish your dreams by refusing compromise until you find a means of fulfillment.

Uranus sextile Neptune  (Strength:  0.51)

(The Pupil)

You will undergo radical transformation more than once as you progress from neophyte to adept in the school of life. You look for new and different ways to relate to your place in the sun and the universe, and will be happier in philosophies or religions that express "new thought" than in traditional frameworks.  You will attract unusual companions who are involved in the same kind of metaphysical or esoteric studies that you explore; you will support each other in your findings.

Sun conjunct Pluto  (Strength:  0.02)

(The Delver)

You will leave no stone unturned to understand the source of energies that press you to continually transform your life into "something better."  Facets of yourself that need revision will undergo radical changes as you eliminate anything impeding your progress.  Keep your eye "single" as to how you may improve in spite of others who try to force you to their ways.  Believe in yourself.  Little can deter you, once you find a practical way to express your power.

Balance of Elements and Modalities

Abundant Air

You seem to live for mental exploration.  Discovering and communicating the connections between ideas, people, and places is your function in life.  Your active mind is good at identifying new frontiers whose basics you quickly master, so that you end up knowing something about almost everything.  You have a dispassionate nature that cooly considers the pros and cons of a situation, able to place logic above personal emotion.  From your mental viewpoint, emotions look irrational.  You make a good negotiator, sales person, communicator, arbitrator, analyst, and information processor.  Ideas flow quickly for you.  While impersonal and dispassionate, you nonetheless thrive on communication and social interaction.  At your best, you strive to understand and accept people, not to change them.  Courageously, you adhere to principles.  You appreciate culture, structure, and systems.

Your greatest strength is also your weakness, namely too much coolness from placing head above heart.  Leaders must be able to follow their hearts without being indecisive or equivocating.  And you ignore your real connection to others if you use your mental gifts to coldly manipulate them.  Try to avoid isolation by functioning as part of a team in which your logic, analysis, and communication skills are put to good use.  Work with others who may be more practical, sensitive, or passionate than are you. Don't keep your good ideas inside, but write them down and communicate them to others.

Lack of Water

For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita.  Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others' feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you.  You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else's shoes in order to feel what they feel.  You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way.  People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you.  Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness.  It's not that you don't have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships.  If you are an artist, they may come out in your art.  You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity.  Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings.  They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people's feelings.

A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.

Lack of Fire

You are willing to let flashier individuals take center-stage and lead the way.  You are probably unenthusiastic about change and are passive when it comes to creating change through leadership.  You may be aggressive in a defensive way, but lack the self-confidence to take the offensive.  Lacking the impulsiveness of Fire, you are more likely to be a careful worker and a reliable mate, though you could stand to be less detached and more personally involved with your spouse and family.

A lack of planets in Fire signs can be offset by a Fire sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Life.

Lack of Earth

You may be so focused on the "bigger picture" that you have difficulty managing the many details of life.  Balancing your checkbook or leaving your bedroom clean may seem beyond your abilities.  Other tasks may be important, but you find it hard to concentrate long enough to complete them.  Knowing your own lack of concentration and self-discipline, you may cling to established routines because you know that you are able to do important things through force of habit.  If you do not flit from job to job, you could hold onto a job or a relationship for too long because you do not trust that you will be secure without it.  Your lack of real world perspective may make it hard for you to distinguish that which really matters from that which is unimportant, so that you sometimes focus on small things while leaving the really big things undone.  You may say that you care about money, but unless you have abundant planets in the houses of Substance, you will not execute a detailed plan to get it.  If you can avoid driving them crazy, enlist the help of those more grounded than yourself in order to turn your inspirations into reality.

A lack of planets in Earth signs can be offset by an Earth sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Substance.

Abundant Life

Abundant planets in the houses of life gives you both the energy and the urge to create the future.  By your activities, you make the world a better place. You may be somewhat self-centered, but with your crusading spirit you move the world towards the ideals that you envision.

Lack of Substance

You are not the most grounded or practical person.  The rules of this material world are not well known to you.  Others may admire your dreams, but they could be impossible dreams.  You may find it difficult to choose, plan, and work towards a career or vocation.

A lack of planets in the houses of Substance can be offset by abundant planets in Earth signs.

Lack of Relationships

Relating to other people probably plays a minor role in your life.  You could remain unmarried, be a loner, or even be an orphan.  Your thinking is probably subjective or personal, without the objectivity that comes from having communicated with many people.  Let others teach you by showing you and if they give you any feedback on your thinking, see if you can learn from it.

A lack of planets in the houses of Relationships can be offset by abundant planets in Air signs.

Lack of Endings

You live on the surface of things, afraid to look within at what you really feel and want.  Perhaps your position is too precarious or the obligations too great to allow yourself this luxury.  You feel forced to maintain your personal status quo.  You come across to others as unfeeling.  Because personal feelings do not distract you, you might make a good scientist, though be aware that the greatest scientists let intuitive feelings be their guide.

A lack of planets in the houses of Endings can be offset by abundant planets in Water signs.

Abundant Cardinal

With an abundance of planets in the Cardinal signs, you find it easy to function on your own as an autonomous individual.  You have a pretty good grasp of how the real world works, which you may have acquired through your willingness to try new things.  An active person, you find challenges stimulating.  Success comes through big ventures that others are too intimidated to attempt.  You would make a good entrepreneur, but look for other indications in your chart to see if you have the qualities needed to stay with a project or grow a business.  You're not really a team player.  You are likely to encounter some problems in your life as a result of being so one-sidedly focused on your own goals and activities.  But you are good at overcoming problems.  Personal survival is important to you and you are capable of learning.  You manifest your love through a lack of fear that makes the future happen.

Lack of Mutable

With a lack of planets in the Mutable signs, you probably go your own way in life without caring too much what other people think.  You know what you want and see little need to compromise.  You lack flexibility and adaptability.  You do best when you can establish a pace and stick to it.  Leave those sports and activities that require fast reactions and adaptability to others.

Sometimes you say things that offend others, because you are not especially concerned with the feelings or opinions of others.  In fact, you sometimes appall your friends with your single-mindededness and lack of sensitivity.  Because of your individuality,  people who are attracted to change and variety may find you stimulating at first, but after a while might find your predictability to be boring.  This is unlikely to keep you from pursuing your path.  Your path involves being yourself and changing the world.  Just don't insist that others be like you.

A lack of planets in the Mutable signs can be offset by a Mutable sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Cadent houses.

Abundant Cadent

An abundance of planets in the cadent houses helps to make you versatile and adaptable.  You are flexible in your plans, adapting easily to changes or to the people whom you meet.  You may travel a lot or move frequently.  You are a good listener and communicator.  You will use your mind a lot or frequently spend time alone during your life.

Abundant Angular

An abundance of planets in the angular houses helps to give you drive and initiative.  It makes you active in the external world.  Expressing your individuality is important to you.  You are probably a leader who enjoys challenges and can get things moving.

Lack of Succedent

A lack of planets in succedent houses gives you a certain emotional detachment.  You do not pay much attention to the pleasures of the body or to cultivating a particular group of friends.  Enjoying life is not the most important thing to you.  You act not on the basis of feeling or principle, but from necessity.  You tend to be a restless wanderer of either the world or the mind.

A lack of planets in the Succedent houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Fixed signs.

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